It won't be changed quickly. The upset in supply chain caused by the Covid mess will ripple within our economics for years. Shortages in labor and parts are constantly creating bottlenecks in the flow. Simple parts shortages can take out a key piece of equipment for months at a time. We have trucks that sit awaiting parts for repair for up to six months now. My truck took two months to repair after my accident. The repair shop told us they needed 3 days to repair it, once they got the part in. That shop was true to their word, and I had my truck one week after the parts arrived.
As a consumer, you will only see the shelves at stores missing their full product lines. I don't think those shortages are as bad as the great TP famine of 2020, just more pervasive across the spectrum of products.
As far as the backlog of container ships itself, it will just take time. There are only so many people to process those ships, and only so many pieces of specialized equipment like the big cranes that off load the containers from the ships. I assure you they have all been working as much as possible for a year now, despite what the media and politicians will tell you.