Corona Virus: The Real Thread. Who has it? How are you affected?

Another connection to the disease we have is a high school classmate of my wife died a couple weeks ago of COVID. Still in the Philippines, but again was a 40 something year old without known health problems.
@MOODY, didn't Zander get it recently as well? Your family has been through the ringer with this. I hope you guys can get back and keep your health.
Yes he had it the first part of July. He had fairly mild symptoms, but still has the fatigue. It has been a wild ride for sure. Not what I anticipated 2020 looking like.
Just tested positive today. Ugh. We've been overly cautious and careful too.

Friday felt like I had a headcold/allergies - congestion with some post-nasal drip. Saturday morning I had reduced taste/smell. Tuesday and my taste/smell was completely gone. No other symptoms.

Got tested Tuesday noontime. Positive test results back this morning. No change in symptoms, no difficulty breathing.

We've been careful, I've been working from home since March. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been in a store (twice Home Depot, twice Smith's, once Marketplace Walmart), always with a mask and being mindful of social distancing. Any time I go in and get back to my car I immediately sanitize everything that has been exposed/touched - keys, wallet, card, hands. I even do that if I'm doing a drive-thru as I creep slowly forward.

For now, under Health Department direction, family is to stay home unless needed (groceries, Dr appointments). I'm to remain in the basement away from family with minimal contact.

I realize my experience this far is mild compared to some, grateful for that. Family not showing any symptoms.
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I was officially "cleared" by the Davis Co. Health Department yesterday. Smell and taste have returned, and just a little bit of congestion lingers. Never had a fever or additional symptoms beyond what I originally had.

Family has remained healthy, seemingly. No symptoms for them.

The worst part for me was the test itself. I know there are others that have had it far worse and I'm grateful I didn't go down that road.

A few family members in health care that have treated patients, both mild and rough cases, encouraged me to take it easy for a few days. Twist my arm.