

I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Guess what.........we are not going to vaccinate our way out of this. If people die because they do not want to get vaccinated, then so what? It is really evident that the vaccine is not going to protect them from getting the virus.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Not the current version of the vaccine, not US manufacturers or the delivery system.

This guy explains things really well. He mentions the same sentiment that we won't booster our way out and goes on share supporting research, too.

That Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Peter McCullough says the same thing about boosters. He even explains why Gravy's Grandmother died from it. She never should have been given the booster. There's a crap load of data in that interview.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Guess what.........we are not going to vaccinate our way out of this. If people die because they do not want to get vaccinated, then so what? It is really evident that the vaccine is not going to protect them from getting the virus.
I've been re-reading "the coddling of the American mind". The book is basically about the culture of safetyism in the US. Good read that is really applicable to the post covid world.
It's sparked some retrospection for me. Remember when people like us did things like wheel and ride dirt bikes and other dangerous stuff, BECAUSE IT WAS DANGEROUS!!! That was most of the allure. You could die, so you felt REALLY alive while taking calculated risks. People used to do stuff like this but slowly society has made risky things safer. Now that is not enough. Making your risky behavior safer for you through rules and technology doesn't satisfy safetyists. Now they have to try and prevent you from taking risks. It's kind of mind boggling, what is the reward for them protecting you from yourself?


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
I'm all stocked up. Just got back from another rona test, as I've had some symptoms pop up this week. Frankly, I'm hoping it's positive because I'm sick of the HR dance with work. I won't get paid if I quarantine again. I'm sick of not knowing, and we've got the Monoclonal Antibody contact on speed dial.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
A: I ****ing hate Sundance. The only time I was talked into going to pc for it, I almost got in a fight with Tommy Lee.

B: I generally try to read news from a variety of sources, CNN and fox are always interesting takes. This will likely not surprise anyone, but I tend to align more with what CNN says partly because I'm a little more socially liberal and partly because they usually cite sources in their articles so they don't read purely as curated opinion pieces. Recently I find it odd that the doom and gloom, Corona is going to kill us all CNN coverage (this is actually my take on CNN coverage) is reporting on the ~80% lower hospitalization rate of omicron being reported through studies in both South Africa and Scotland, while fox only covers the litigation mounting against vaccine mandates. Those studies feel like news to me that ought to get universal coverage but, alas, I still stick to my conspiracy theory that big media companies are simply using the massive amounts of user data to cater a message to what their readers want to read. It seems like since it's established that the liberal media is controlled by a committee of big pharma, deep state child rapists, multi-generational weather controlling European bankers, and Jewish space laser owners wouldn't they want to gloss over the potentially positive reports that the current mutation might be the one that supplants the others and turns this thing into a less serious respiratory illness that we all expect we'll have to live with for the rest of our days?


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
I mean, so far CNN is 2 for 2 on anchors getting fired for the child rapist thing. I'm not saying Fox doesn't have their share of kid diddlers, I'm almost positive they do... but damn.

I don't watch any major news anymore. It's all a loosh trap.
They're all just cramming for as much attention as possible. The quality of content is never considered.


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day media outlets are businesses trying to make money...if they don't have viewership, they don't have advertisers...they don't get paid...Soooo, IMO everything is sensationalized and the dead horses are kicked until nothing is left so they can make the almighty $$$$....Fear mongering is a great money maker...covid sure has seemed to be that way. Personally the best thing I ever did was unplug from the news and current events. I hear about what is going on mostly through 2nd hand contact (smoke?) from coworkers...


Trying to wheel
Supporting Member
West Haven, UT