Crappy neighbor advice.

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Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
Fair warning: Sorry it's a long post.. If you want just skip to the * :rofl: I'm beyond my breaking point and could really use some advice.

When we moved to Lewiston six years ago my wife and I wanted a nice quiet spot out in the boonies. Our neighborhood (if you can call it that) is really small and consists of a few farmers and retired folks who have been really nice to live by. There is one house that is close to me and it sat vacant for years. I love it here it's my idea of paradise.

Three years ago a family moved into that house and it has been a nightmare ever since. They have three boys in grade school/jr high who have zero respect for me or my family or anyone else for that matter. The gestures, violent behavior and the words/phrases that come out of these kids mouths at the top of their lungs would seriously blow your mind.. and the parents are oblivious to it mostly because they do not speak english. We're to the point we don't let our kids play outside when the neighbors are home unless we are out there with them. We don't grill or have cookouts or campfires much anymore because it's pointless trying to have a conversation without it being interrupted by phrases like: Suck my $#@ bit#@@ F$##@(@@(@(($***$#$@# mothe#$#$@((@(@(@(%%*#*$#*$#@$@# or my favorite: Fu#@@ you #@#@(@(@@(@$*$***%$@#@#@#!@!))))%#$#... I can't tell you how many times I've woke up to that.

Throwing/shooting (with wrist rocket) rocks at my dogs when they think I'm not looking. Throwing/shooting rocks at my shop when they think I'm not looking. Coming into my yard snooping around when they think I'm not looking. Broken window in the camper? Can't prove it but I have a pretty good idea of who it was. Beating the crap out of their goats with a baseball bat (I try to get it on film but they usually see me and stop). A few years back this family lived on the other side of town. They had a daughter but she was shot and killed while these kids were 'playing' with a small rifle. I'm sure it was an accident so don't take that the wrong way but you'd think they wouldn't be shooting each other at close range with wrist rockets or pretending to be gang bangers shooting each other with pretend guns. Baseballs/rocks bouncing off the side of my cars.. Anyway I could go on but you get the idea.

They keep chickens which is fine--I live in farmville--however they keep LOTS of chickens. I counted 32 at one time in MY yard. Two roosters that crow non stop from 5am to 10am and that is oftentimes right under my window when I'm trying to sleep after a night shift. My yard looks like snow in some spots from all the feathers. I spent an hour yesterday cleaning them up just to find more when I went out this morning. My dogs eat the feathers then come inside the house and barf them up on my carpet. They also have goats in the summer who are also in my yard eating my flowers (and my garden--GRRRR) and crapping everywhere. They have a cat farm I pulled 6 dead cats out of various places in my yard/shop last summer.. I've said please keep your animals out of my yard I keep mine out of yours. And the response I get is "if dog eats is ok.."

The dad seems nice enough but he works nearly non-stop everyday of the week on the landlords farm. The mom is 100% clueless I've tried to voice my concern and it's hopeless. Probably none of my business but they have random people showing up at all hours of the day/night and the police have shown up several times for some reason. I really hate confrontations but we ended up calling the landlord once to complain about the constant swearing, screaming and violent behavior and he agreed to have a talk with them. It made a big difference for a while.. The landlord was already aware of the problem apparently he tried to have one of the boys work on his farm but it lasted a week because he couldn't find a way to watch his mouth around the other kids--go figure.

* So I have crappy loud neighbors. My biggest issue right now is needing an expensive ~200' fence but not knowing if that's going to help at all. The problem with that is my yard sits a few feet higher than theirs so even with a 6' fence I could still see over the top of it and it won't keep the noise down either way. Probably better than nothing I guess.. My wife wants to move to a place where we can have our kids play with other kids their age and not have to worry about this. Although my daughter is about the same age as these kids I don't want her anywhere near them and that's a shame as there aren't many kids around here for her to play with anyway. I can only imagine them getting worse as they get older.

Sorry for the novel. Any ideas? I don't foresee them moving anytime soon. Should I ask the landlord to help fund a fence? Should we move? Am I just an ornery/grumpy old man that should get over it?

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Wandering the desert
You mentioned a landlord. That would be my next stop. I'd have words with him, he probably doesn't know what they are doing at all.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
As a land lord, I hate it when I have to deal with neighbors. Make your problem his problem and he will solve it. Call him every time there is an issue. Call the police every time you have proof of an issue (watching them hit your dog, etc) Call the landlord every time their chickens are in your yard. Call the code compliance if they are over chicken allowance. You may have some uncomfortable moments over the next few months, but it will get the change you are looking for.
We, as people look for the easiest solutions to every problem. Ignoring it is usually easiest (especially with tenant issues) You are suffering because of a bad neighbor/landlord. Make some serious noise about it and it will change.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Move. A family like that isn't going to change, and the effort it would take to make them move instead isn't worth it.


Totally Awesome
Airsoft gun. get a fully automatic version. start walking around your yard with it on all the time. shoot the gang bangers when they mouth off. maybe somewhat questionable as far aa legality goes. but it could be a great stress reliever. ha ha:greg:


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I would think (knowing Lewiston of 20 years ago anyway) that your ONLY recourse is through the landlord? I do know a few cops (you likely do as well?) but don't know anyone in the Sheriff's office that I'd assume is still the police force?


Well-Known Member
Kaysville Utah
I know it's not funny to you but. I've been laughing my ass off for the last 10 minutes. Can we get some pictures of said situation?
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I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I would also start trapping and removing cats/goats/chickens for your property. Have to do it in a way not to get caught (in fear of retaliation), but you have all rights to remove animals from your property. They will run out of animals eventually.

My neighborhood is being cleansed of cats, one night at a time :)


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Spend $500 on a security system with a DVR. Record them doing all of this stuff and hand the video over to police and the land Lord. This seems like the cheapest solution. If they hit your car or house once with rocks on tape you have legal recourse against them.
I would also harvest any chickens in your yard, free meat. They will run out eventually.


Formerly black_ZJ
Sounds like you have been a bit too passive as others have mentioned, if you had been on the phone with the landlord and/or police from the first incident it likely wouldn't have become such a big problem, involving INS/ICE may be another option. You can legally remove nuisance animals from your property using any legal means, fresh chicken and goat taste pretty good.


But stuck more often.
I like the camera/dvr idea. It will get real old having the cops show up every time you have cought them doing something. They are not the home owners either so it makes it pretty easy for them to pack up and move on. They have nothing vested. Make them move.


Well-Known Member
Any chance you could buy the house that they live in ? In Arkansas we had a Neighbor that was a total p.o.s. he was running a
Puppy mill in the back yard and it pissed me off so I found out who owned the place bought it and forced them to move.


Well-Known Member
Payson, AZ
I would go the camera route but if that doesn't work then I would be looking to move. The boonies is nice but being around other respectful families with kids the same age as yours is priceless.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
There is no reason for him to move IMO. He is a home owner, established in his neighborhood. They are renters. They move. He makes it happen


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
If you file enough complaints to the PD they will be forced to issue citations. After several citations they will eventually force the renters to pay for police supervision around the clock till they clean up their act. It's way expensive! (Trust me)

Are there other neighbors you can get on board of this boycott?


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
If you file enough complaints to the PD they will be forced to issue citations. After several citations they will eventually force the renters to pay for police supervision around the clock till they clean up their act. It's way expensive! (Trust me)

Are there other neighbors you can get on board of this boycott?

Lewiston: neighbors are usually 100-200 yards away except for little pockets here and there


Formerly Beardy McGee
If you are not constantly bringing attention to these people in any way possible to whoever you can, you are allowing them to control your situation.


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
animal cruelty is now a felony here in Utah... if you can get them hitting any animal with a bat they could be sent to jail for awhile... this might scare the kids into straightening up but then again might just make them worse... but camera and dvr are great to catch them for prosecution.

I think that if you bought all the material for the fence alot of RME folks would come help install it for you... this way they can get their lottery tickets on the way home....


Well-Known Member
Call the cops. Over and over. They will get so sick of it maybe they will move. You are the home owner dont back down. I know a few county cops and I am sure they would love to help :)

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
Hat's off to you! I would already be in jail if those were my neighbors.

I live where I only have one neighbor. A few years ago they went to SLC and rented it out. The renters were a death metal band. Seriously the whole band. It took about an hour for them to crank up the garbage. It took a while but after calling the Sheriff many times, having them go visit the neighbors they realized it would be better not to have me sending the cops over to check on them, when the potential of the cops finding pot or other drugs wasn't worth it. I also called the landlord many times but they really didn't give a rip since the rent was paid. I started documenting the damage they were doing to the property and that helped get the landlord on their case. It sucked for a month or two and I nearly pulled a gun on them a couple of times but it worked out, they moved and the landlord came back. No problems since. I did try to buy the house but the landlord was way, way to proud of the home.

Good Luck, that really sucks. With five kids I feel your pain.