Crazy violence


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
... These guys sure enough backed away, but they kept daring me to "do something" or "go for it" while they walked away. ..

I think that's pretty common, human nature, even. I've seen a handful of instances where someone pulled a gun or a knife and the unarmed person taunted them to use it. I've done it myself. Not very smart - saw one of my friends get murdered that way, in fact - another friend pulled a knife, unarmed friend said "you ain't gonna stab me you p***y" and the guy with the knife put it right through his heart. My friend Johnny was dead-dead-dead, fast-fast-fast. My friend Rob did six years...

But it does seem to be a natural reaction, when someone pulls a weapon and all you really have is your mouth, to go ahead and run your mouth. I think it's a way of escalating the situation and hoping to come out the winner, even though you are the un-armed. If somebody pulls a gun on you, and you tell them to use it or eff off, they either use the weapon on you, or, if they don't - you call them female anatomy for the rest of their life. They pulled a weapon, but they lost the confrontation. I think that is probably what most guys are thinking when they start taunting the weapon holder.



By endurance we conquer
I think that's pretty common, human nature, even. I've seen a handful of instances where someone pulled a gun or a knife and the unarmed person taunted them to use it. I've done it myself. Not very smart - saw one of my friends get murdered that way, in fact - another friend pulled a knife, unarmed friend said "you ain't gonna stab me you p***y" and the guy with the knife put it right through his heart. My friend Johnny was dead-dead-dead, fast-fast-fast. My friend Rob did six years...

But it does seem to be a natural reaction, when someone pulls a weapon and all you really have is your mouth, to go ahead and run your mouth. I think it's a way of escalating the situation and hoping to come out the winner, even though you are the un-armed. If somebody pulls a gun on you, and you tell them to use it or eff off, they either use the weapon on you, or, if they don't - you call them female anatomy for the rest of their life. They pulled a weapon, but they lost the confrontation. I think that is probably what most guys are thinking when they start taunting the weapon holder.


uhmmm :eek:


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I think that's pretty common, human nature, even. I've seen a handful of instances where someone pulled a gun or a knife and the unarmed person taunted them to use it. I've done it myself. Not very smart - saw one of my friends get murdered that way, in fact - another friend pulled a knife, unarmed friend said "you ain't gonna stab me you p***y" and the guy with the knife put it right through his heart. My friend Johnny was dead-dead-dead, fast-fast-fast. My friend Rob did six years...

But it does seem to be a natural reaction, when someone pulls a weapon and all you really have is your mouth, to go ahead and run your mouth. I think it's a way of escalating the situation and hoping to come out the winner, even though you are the un-armed. If somebody pulls a gun on you, and you tell them to use it or eff off, they either use the weapon on you, or, if they don't - you call them female anatomy for the rest of their life. They pulled a weapon, but they lost the confrontation. I think that is probably what most guys are thinking when they start taunting the weapon holder.


If we get any kind of movie replay in heaven, I am going to grab 2 bags of popcorn and watch yours!


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I don't believe in an after life, in any form or fashion... But if I'm wrong about that, I'm pretty sure I'll be denied entrance to the nice side :D.



somewhat damaged
I don't believe in an after life, in any form or fashion... But if I'm wrong about that, I'm pretty sure I'll be denied entrance to the nice side :D.


Sounds like it's just boring re-runs on the tele anyways. :p


I thought that "knockout" was a basketball game!? I'll bet that if Obama had a son, he might look something like those attackers.

maybe I'm a wuss, but if somebody pulls a gun or knife on me, I'll back away and claim my "loss" in the altercation.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
I think if you carry a gun, you are forced to be a wuss. You can't go mouthing off to some guy who cut you off in traffic because if he does escalate, you have to back down or go to prison. I like women so prison doesn't sound like my kind of place. Honestly, I don't feel too much of a need to carry when I am alone. I can defend myself well enough and if I lose a fist fight no big deal. The risk of it going any further than that are limited and livable to me. If my wife or kids are with me, the risk of losing and the threat that an attacker poses to them after I lose is Incomprehensible. I almost always have a gun if I have a kid or the wife with me. There is a very small risk of ever needing it but with my shooting background, if anyone harmed my family and I didn't have a gun, I would not be able to live with myself. It would be like not putting my kid in their car seat when it is so easy.

On a side note, the knockout game is an forcible felony. In Utah you can use up to and including lethal force to stop a forcible felony. So even if you aren't the one hit, you can stop the perp with your firearm.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
It's called "polar bear hunting". It's been around for a long time and the press has avoided the truth: it's black kids attacking white people.

I grew up in Newark, NJ. I was the only white kid in the neighborhood and I had my head on a swivel due to attacks like this.

I've been shot at, hit with clubs, cut etc. One kid who thought it would be fun the eff with the white boy with four if his friends ended up getting hit so hard he lost hearing in his left ear. Was it worth it? Probably not but I'm sure he's either dead or in prison right now.

Kooler than Mudd.
People are stupid.... And they all wonder why Treyvon Martin got shot..... I don't under stand how this isn't considered a hate crime......cause lord knows if it were white kids doing this we would have the next civil war on our hands.... If a 15yo kid runs up and thumps you one you can't even hit him back or your the criminal and he's a local hero ....I have no faith in humanity anymore
Sorry rant over..

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
The point of this "game" is to knock people out with one punch. But even if you weren't knocked out, you'd be dazed so pulling your weapon wouldn't do any good.


One victim pulled his gun and shot the kid twice. Kid was quoted (from jail) "I'll never play that game again". Of course, this would go without saying if both shots hit center mass.

Kooler than Mudd.


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
People are stupid.... And they all wonder why Treyvon Martin got shot..... I don't under stand how this isn't considered a hate crime......cause lord knows if it were white kids doing this we would have the next civil war on our hands.... If a 15yo kid runs up and thumps you one you can't even hit him back or your the criminal and he's a local hero ....I have no faith in humanity anymore
Sorry rant over..

Do you have to ask for ID? He looked 18 to me...


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
This is not new as J L said. My uncle Alva who boxed (130 pounds) under the name of "Rube Waddle" in Kansas City, Kansas joined the army during the 1st WW. While being processed in San Francisco he and his friend Payday (120 pounds) would walk the Embarcadaro and see if they could knock out winos with one punch. I asked him why and he said everyone did it and since he and Payday boxed it was good training. Life was much rougher then and they did not have political correctness like we do today. I did some boxing in the Navy and let me tell you it is very difficult to knock someone out with one punch with or without boxing gloves. From experience in Hawaii on a dungaree party in Wahiawa I know this is true.


Jeepless in Draper
Supporting Member
Draper, UT
..... I don't under stand how this isn't considered a hate crime......

Sorry Geepaholic
As much as I agree with the gist of your statement, I absolutely abhor the concept of a hate crime.
I disagree on one level because one can be charged with a greater crime based upon what you are thinking.
Sorry, a bit too Orwellian for me.
Mostly I disagree because the severity of the offense is based upon the color of my skin, my nationality, or my sexual preference.
This implies that one person is better than the other and therefor merits stiffer penalties for crimes committed against them. Sorry, can't go for that either.

Not a rant against you, just a rant.

I think most of this is driven by the ever persistent push towards more politically correct behavior and needs to be resisted at every possible chance.