Dec. 9th, Center Creek Canyon, Heber UT


Oops i did it again
Springville, Ut
Looks a great but cold time! Just talked to my buddy at work and I guess he was pretty pissed you guys tore up the road lol He was up there on his snow mobile fighting to get around you guys lol Something about a fullsize bronco he was bitching about i didnt pay much attention to him after. I hope i can get my rig out soon!


Registered User
Arm Utah
Oh, did we ruin 30 seconds of his ride? Too bad. Those snowmobilers came up with some attitude. If we hadn't broken trail they would have been in the deep snow anyway, then they wanted us to get off the road so they could proceed in our tracks. What a bunch of morons.

Bucking Bronco

OH Poor guy could not get around me on a snowmobile (I think I even waved at that A**H***) I am so sick of snowmobilers crying when were on the road when they can go anywhere they want

I was around 7-8 PSI, With my weight when I get off camber at even 5 PSI I loose beads


Oops i did it again
Springville, Ut
LOL I told him to go *(&^% himself he has all winter to play! And i believe he probably did have an attitude. I just wish i could have gone up also just to blow snow in his face. He lives up there and said he just hates it when the jeeps roll in and play on his turf. I had to remind him it all our turf but he is also an idiot that rolled a fourwheeler going off road up AFC this summer. So who cares he is the idiot getting stuff shut down, me and him bicker all the time about this stuff


Well-Known Member
The snowmobilers are the reason that LakeCreek Road is closed down in the winter, the road gets "groomed" and they want it to stay that way, the "jeeps" tear it up. Not that it should matter, they are made for going over uneven ground.

Several years back, my dads jeep got stuck up there pulling out an employee who wanted to go for a little ride with his woman up in 3.5'+ of snow. My friend tryed to winch him out but his battery was dead and it nearly killed his engine every time he turned on the winch. We ended up having to leave the jeep over night until my uncle could come up the next day(my jeep was being painted, so not working) and when we got up there the next day, (about 4 hours later) the Jeep was a wreck. They took anything not bolted down, and then kicked out the gauges, lights, ect... When we told the sheriff later, he said that the snowmobilers don't like "jeeps" on "their" trail and they do that sort of thing all the time, to "teach us a lesson" for being on their trail (in winter).
In ten years I have had a lot of guys vent to me when up on the trails when there is snow on the ground, they don't think we have any right to be there.
WE are the people that we are fighting with, we all need to share the trails, because when one part of us trys to take way from the others, then we all end up loosing it.
Any who, I am glad to see that you guys had a good time, I will be there next time :)
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Registered User
The snowmobilers are the reason that LakeCreek Road is closed down in the winter, the road gets "groomed" and they want it to stay that way, the "jeeps" tear it up. Not that it should matter, they are made for going over uneven ground.

Sorry about the vandalism. Never an excuse for that.

However, if the trail is groomed/maintained for snowmobiles, I think vehicles should stay off. Anyone who has snowmobiled knows that 'uneven ground'
can take alot of fun out of the ride, if not ruin it completely.

If is a road that is simply not maintained in the winter, then 4x4 have as much right as snowmobiles to be there.

The "we have a right to drive here" mentality can go too far. If we want respect for our sport, we need to do the same for others and understand what belongs where.

Bucking Bronco

When we start designating trails to one use only pretty soon moab will be only open to hikers or mountain bikes

when we all fight each other the only people who win are the tree huggers because they then only have to fight one group instead of all of us

snow shoeing is going to shut down snowmobiling one day they have already started designating those trails up by logan and those are just the ones I know of

It only takes one persons voice to close a trail but a thousand to keep it open


Sandy, Ut
Nothing new for trails to be designated "over the snow ONLY" during the winter months... pretty common actually. There's been some talk of it happening up AF Canyon this year... signs on the ground, etc. I can't speak for this certain trail... but I wouldn't be remotely alarmed if it was the case. Seasonal trail restrictions happen all over the state.... Alot of trails are closed to full-size use in the winter (such as AF Canyon), alot of trails are closed during wild-life mating seasons and spring runoff. Knowing is half the battle :D


Well-Known Member
Nothing new for trails to be designated "over the snow ONLY" during the winter months... pretty common actually. There's been some talk of it happening up AF Canyon this year... signs on the ground, etc. I can't speak for this certain trail... but I wouldn't be remotely alarmed if it was the case. Seasonal trail restrictions happen all over the state.... Alot of trails are closed to full-size use in the winter (such as AF Canyon), alot of trails are closed during wild-life mating seasons and spring runoff. Knowing is half the battle :D

I agree with the last few posts. I guess in this respect we can easily see both sides of the argument. If money is being spent for grooming, then I can see why they would want to keep it in good shape. However, we DO need to find common ground on this and ALL other matters if we want to keep our trails :)
And no vandalism didn't help out anyone. We only went up to get out someone who shouldn't have been there and we paid the price. This is a GOOD example of how one guy can do damage for all snowmobilers, like the guys who drives off the trails (in summer) and leaves ruts through a field and does damage to all four wheelers.
FWIW, I do believe it's fair for "over the snow only" vehicles on some trails as long as there are some we can still play on somewhere too- a compromise.


Registered User
Part of working together as motorized recreation involves defering to others.

If we want snowmobilers help in keeping trails open in Moab, we aren't going to get that by tearing up groomed trails. The miles of groomed, snowmobile only trails is significant, but far below the number of dirt roads in the state we can wheel in the winter.

We need to respect others as much as we want respect.

Bucking Bronco

Part of working together as motorized recreation involves defering to others.

If we want snowmobilers help in keeping trails open in Moab, we aren't going to get that by tearing up groomed trails. The miles of groomed, snowmobile only trails is significant, but far below the number of dirt roads in the state we can wheel in the winter.

We need to respect others as much as we want respect.

I agree we should not be on groomed trails and we were not.

While there are a lot of trails we can drive on in the winter there are not many that get a lot of snow. So when we go to the trouble to find a trail that we can drive on, I dont want to get hassled because I am on it.

We were not the ones being disrespectful we moved to the side to allow the snowmobiles to pass I waved at the guys who passed us. and all I got out of it were nasty looks. So I cant help but get pissed when I am told I was in his way and he complained he had to go around me.

I know there are jerks in every sport that ruin it for everyone.