"I have such a distrust of all 4x4 vendors now that its unhealthy."
That isn't unhealthy. It's smart.
This isn't my only expensive hobby where I deal with small, custom or semi-custom builder/operators. But the vendors I've dealt with in the 4x4 world, are, on average, by FAR, so inferior in customer service, business skills and just plain giving a crap about what the customer thinks, that I too have long since stopped trusting any of them. It's not like that with the same sort of small businessman/craftsman I deal with in my other expensive hobbies. Just this one. In fact, the craftsmen I deal with in my other hobbies, are, in general, just about the exact opposite of what I've found in the world of off road specialty vendors.
What has always struck me as kind of weird about it, is how an awful lot of the stuff I see online, it seems like the offroad community just accepts that this is how it is and actually discourages complaining about it. Like, if you don't get it that the guy doesn't know how to run a business and doesn't like dealing with his customers, it's your problem, not his, most likely because your not "hard core" enough something...
But, heck yeah, don't trust any of them. I sure as heck don't.