Does Big Foot exist?

I saw a picture once from a Tree camera that was pretty convincing.. it was on display in a Walmart in Mississippi..
The reason there are no corpses found is people are looking for bigfoot when actually, it's machmen running around out there.
Kurt may weigh in on this... :D

I was invited to attend a couple of 'Pow-Wow's' up in the mountains with a large group of folks from all over the state. I was there to hear about treasure, specifically some of the rumored Spanish treasure that many of you have heard about from the various forums, books, etc. Turns out this pow-wow was also a meeting to swap info and stories about bigfoot and there was a professional Sasquatch hunter there, he literally spends all of his day hunting down stories and casting footprints in the woods. I'm not quite what you would call a believer but I'm willing to entertain the story :D

Many of you know my friend Michael Slade, I think he is a member here (is an active member on but he has his Utah Bigfoot Project that is definitely worth a look:
One of my best friends in HS was sledding in Morgan Co. with his girlfriend when they observed a large mammal across a canyon that was traveling upright, through deep snow, at a rate of speed that no man could manage. When they rode closer to get a better look, it turned and headed in their direction. They blasted out of the canyon, loaded their sled and headed for town.....I was the first person they ran into after the sighting. My buddy rodeo-ed and rode bareback, Id never seen him scared of anything, but he was genuinely afraid that day. They were both pretty freaked out, but never reported sighting.
I want to punch big foot in the face for taking away from good shows on the history channel. In fact I think I will spend the rest of my life searching for him so I can.
I encountered something up at Forest Lake during the summer of 2010 that I'd like to think was a bear... a bear that was acting like something that wanted me to get the eff out. Do bears get rabies and act weird? Like territorial?
Little known fact
To protect themselves from magic destroying sorcerers the unicorn guild had a meeting where all members gathered together in one location known simply as the juxtaposition. There originated the largest rainbow of all time. This merging of magical ROYGBIV transformed all unicorns into the gentile ocean dwelling creature known as the Narwhal. The magical abilities of the Narwhal are much less known than the Unicorn. It is done to keep the remaining members of the guild safe. Another little know fact is that unicorns do not reproduce. Once they are gone the word will forever be bereft of magic.

In short


Remember folks: this here person teaches school in Utah's fine public educational system. Can you imagine what sort of nonsense he's putting into our children's minds?
I encountered something up at Forest Lake during the summer of 2010 that I'd like to think was a bear... a bear that was acting like something that wanted me to get the eff out. Do bears get rabies and act weird? Like territorial?

I'm no bearologist but uh, bears ARE territorial. And they don't want your vegetarian ass in the woods competing for berries and roots. :D
I'm no bearologist but uh, bears ARE territorial. And they don't want your vegetarian ass in the woods competing for berries and roots. :D

I'm not a bearologist either but from what I know, bears either eff off or they kick you in the nards. This bear was shaking trees, charging and retreating and possibly throwing random objects. For all the commotion though, the bear would not come into open ground where I was walking. I still chalk this up as my one and only bear encounter even though I never saw the bear. I guess it could've been a zombie deer that dude was afraid of in that haunted AF Canyon thread.
I have been bear hunting several times and never had that happen. Bears will warn you, snort at you but not follow you unless it's a Grizz. A Grizz will attach you or follow you for days, even if your in a raft. My BIL had one walk the river following them. 3 days later he gave up. They couldn't land the raft or it would cross the river to where they were
Zombie deer? :laughing:

Apparently, they hang out up at Graveyard Flats and are attracted to campfires... as the story goes anyway. I've encountered deer in that area but never the kind that terrified that poor group of hunters that cold evening. Their main form of attack is starring into your soul.
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Well hell, that's scarier than a Bigfoot any day. I mean, Bigfoot doesn't starr into your soul. I hate it when things starr into my soul.
If you really, truly believe in "Bigfoot" why would you go out looking for him? I'm just thinking the guy is gonna be pissed if you find him and at 7-7.5" tall (supposedly) he could snap you in half or even worse he could have his way with you. I'm never going camping without my handgun ever again
I'm no bearologist but uh, bears ARE territorial. And they don't want your vegetarian ass in the woods competing for berries and roots. :D

So if a bear/Bigfoot ate Joseph, would it be like one of us eating a tofurkey? Is he made of real meat?