Had a gal make a right on red right in front of me as I was coasting through the intersection of 24th and Monroe about a month ago in the middle of the day. As she made the turn, my right foot came up and smashed her door.
I watched her slow for the light, but to my utter disbelief, she rolled through turning East on 24th. Her eyes and head NEVER even looked left. Even after my horn, foot and mouth making ungodly noises she failed to turn her head. As she accelerated from the side of me, I saw her young daughter start crying and pointing at me from the back seat.
I know this woman saw me and must have known she was in the wrong. Luckily, I didn't lay the bike down nor break my foot on her door, but more importantly I am glad I didn't stoop to the level of retaliation. I would have felt awful showing that young child what scary people act like, especially when I don't consider myself a scary person. At least my own kids don't find me scary.
Since my bike never hit the car and I scared the crap out of someone in the vehicle, I rode home and chalked it up to oblivious driver versus invisible cyclist. I always ride proactively and safely. Lid, boots, gloves, riding jacket and jeans.