EJS Potato Salad hill cleanup schedule


Formerly Beardy McGee
You can't even see the 20 bags behind everyone. And yes that is one day.

Sara (that was her name I think) that was doing the recycle sorting suggested that we do a mid-day walk through next year. Her point being that the crowd mentality might be broke if they see other people picking up their trash.

not a bad idea... it might be easier for some to meet at that time as well... some hit the morning, some hit mid-day...

i have to say, it seemed clean and relatively quiet, almost well mannered at PSH on thursday and friday..



Mead, WA
You can't even see the 20 bags behind everyone. And yes that is one day.

Sara (that was her name I think) that was doing the recycle sorting suggested that we do a mid-day walk through next year. Her point being that the crowd mentality might be broke if they see other people picking up their trash.

That is unreal. I've never been, so I never knew the extent of it...

Col Mustard

Registered User
What disgusted me the most was cleaning up the banks of the creek. After heaving for a bit I had to get out. Lets just say porta potties and getting people to use them would be a big improvement.


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
I just received this email from the Moab recycling center, this is kind of the icing on the cake. Thank you to everyone who donated, cleaned up, or helped out in other ways. You work is noticed and appreciated!

That is an absolutely great photo! I sent it to the newspaper and I am hoping they will publish it. I'll also send it to Channel 21 in case Sam can use it in a promo for next year. I never found out why she didn't show on Easter morning.

We had a great time with the crew on Sunday. David and I sorted the recycling (4 hours each to accomplish this!) and took it to the recycle center Monday morning. I attach a photo of that.

Carol Hoggard, one of the Solutions, and I walked into the dumpster and got all the recycling we could see in there. It ended up being two more orange bags. We also installed and maintained the recycling at the Old Spanish Trail Arena. We estimate recycling about 2,000 pounds of containers, cardboard, magazines, etc. from these various sites. All the work we did was volunteer, and we were very lucky to have enough money to pay for the gas needed to get around. (We made daily trips to PSH, and to the Arena to check on things.)

This year, year 3 of Common Thread was the best ever! The more we can work together, the better we can make it. The recycling aspect is extremely important to me as that adds a huge layer of beneficial effects. I put a thank you ad in the Times-Independent, which will run this week. I named you in it and the group shown in the photo. You can get the TI for free on line (current week edition only for free) by registering at www.moabtimes.com.

Hope all is well with you!



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Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
And a second email just received from the BLM

On behalf of the Bureau of Land Management, I would like to thank you for the hard work performed by your group at Potato Salad Hill during Easter, 2007. It takes a lot of help to host all the visitors that Moab gets over Easter, and yours was invaluable. We look forward to working with your group in the future.

Katie Stevens



Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Excellent work everyone! I appreciate the support that you all showed and I want to thank you... from donating the funds for the dumpster & potties, to being there to work hard and clean up the area! You all deserve a pat on the back, THANK YOU!! :hickey: :hickey:

This has been a great success, everyone who participated should be proud of what you accomplished. We made great progress with both the BLM and the local community in Moab. I hope we can continue this and make it a yearly tradition. I also have to say thanks to Keith (Rusted) for handeling all the footwork with the BLM and the Recycling Center. He really made this happen... thanks man! :)


baaaaaaaaaad to the bone
Supporting Member
Excellent work everyone! I appreciate the support that you all showed and I want to thank you... from donating the funds for the dumpster & potties, to being there to work hard and clean up the area! You all deserve a pat on the back, THANK YOU!! :hickey: :hickey:

This has been a great success, everyone who participated should be proud of what you accomplished. We made great progress with both the BLM and the local community in Moab. I hope we can continue this and make it a yearly tradition. I also have to say thanks to Kieth (Rusted) for handeling all the footwork with the BLM and the Recycling Center. He really made this happen... thanks man! :)

I'm gonna second those props to Keith. Even while I was down there, he and I exchanged PMs several times in trying to get stuff organized. Too bad the ch 21 peeps never showed.

Nice job to everyone. Makes me proud to be a part of it.