Extreme kayaking

Well I went to Vimeo.com and searched "extreme kayaking" but didn't find any videos that people were "over the line" in.. What's the actual video title?
Got it. Loved the end, "Stay safe". Yep, like taking that front end straight to the face. That's safe. Cool video.
I can't figure out what's going on at :22. At first I though he was hugging the kayak because he knew he was going to hit hard, but it almost looks like he's out cold before he hits the water.

The GoPro revolution has really opened my eyes to exactly how many completely insane people there are out there.
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some peoples worst nightmares are spiders, snakes, and what not. Mine is being press against a rock by water and not being let up to breath. That is why I don't float rivers.
That made me sick to my stomach. Those gentlemen have some top shelf balls coupled with a screw loose.
Has some language, F bomb at very end. turn sound down if needed.

On the subject of extreme.. When and Who do you think will be the first person to land from a jump with only a wing suit? I am talking no parachute, jump of cliff, fly, touch down on feet, Just like super man..

This guy does it to water..