Finally got my trasharoo! Will someone steal it?

hans j

drove a van where?
I've been wearing it on the tire to try to get it to soften up a little bit, but I'm concerned with someone stealing it. Because it's awesome... Is this something I should be worried about? I could easily build something and sew an extra strap to it and put a bolt with a nylock nut or travel lock on it, at least to slow someone down and make it annoying to steal...



Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
I've been driving around with mine on for awhile for the same reason. Still there no issues..... that being said my doesn't sit outside alone very much


But stuck more often.
That's why I always just tie a heavy garbage bag to my spare tire. No one would ever do me the favor of stealing it and then throwing it away for me.


Formerly WJ ZUK
No problems with mine so far, my carrier makes it tough to grab the latches without it being unlocked though


Formerly Maldito X
In a campground should you throw your garbage in the trasharoo or away from the camp site or up in a tree? Curious if critters would break into the trasharoo to try and get the garbage.