Flag Etiquette - Half Staff Displays


North Ogden, UT
From the U.S. Code Online via GPO Access {wais.access.gpo.gov} said:
(m) The flag, when flown at half-staff, should be first hoisted to
the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position. The
flag should be again raised to the peak before it is lowered for the
day. On Memorial Day the flag should be displayed at half-staff until
noon only, then raised to the top of the staff. By order of the
President, the flag shall be flown at half-staff upon the death of
principal figures of the United States Government and the Governor of a
State, territory, or possession, as a mark of respect to their memory.
In the event of the death of other officials or foreign dignitaries, the
flag is to be displayed at half-staff according to Presidential
instructions or orders, or in accordance with recognized customs or
practices not inconsistent with law. In the event of the death of a
present or former official of the government of any State, territory, or
possession of the United States, the Governor of that State, territory,
or possession may proclaim that the National flag shall be flown at
half-staff. The flag shall be flown at half-staff 30 days from the death
of the President or a former President; 10 days from the day of death of
the Vice President, the Chief Justice or a retired Chief Justice of the
United States, or the Speaker of the House of Representatives; from the
day of death until interment of an Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court, a Secretary of an executive or military department, a former Vice
President, or the Governor of a State, territory, or possession; and on
the day of death and the following day for a Member of Congress. The
flag shall be flown at half-staff on Peace Officers Memorial Day, unless
that day is also Armed Forces Day. As used in this subsection--
(1) the term ``half-staff'' means the position of the flag when
it is one-half the distance between the top and bottom of the staff;
(2) the term ``executive or military department'' means any
agency listed under sections 101 and 102 of title 5, United States
Code; and
(3) the term ``Member of Congress'' means a Senator, a
Representative, a Delegate, or the Resident Commissioner from Puerto
Hmm! I just don't see it.


North Ogden, UT
All that what you highlighted is saying is that people are flying it at half staff without the proper authorization. (which I agree is done all too often, infact my company was going to do it for one of our co-workers that had passed away until I corrected them) The Governor (by your own quote) has the proper authorization.
This gesture is a sign to indicate the nation mourns the death of an individual(s), such as death of the President or former President, Vice President, Supreme Court Justice, member of Congress, Secretary of an executive or military department, etc.
Where does GBH fall into the above category?


I am not a church goer either, but name One state official that deserves it more than GBH.

I have only met 2 politicians I can trust and they ain't dead yet. seems to me he worked tirelessly to get people to better themselves, and treat others with kindness. sure he was head of the LDS church, but he was a very tolerable man. so.....name a political figure who deserves it more.


North Ogden, UT
this is the last I'm gonna post in this thread but I want to know how you interpret this line:
...or in accordance with recognized customs or practices not inconsistent with law.
Do you mean this line?
In the event of the death of other officials or foreign dignitaries, the flag is to be displayed at half-staff according to Presidential instructions or orders, or in accordance with recognized customs or practices not inconsistent with law.
Geez, I can pick and choose what I want to quote and make it read that flags will be flown at half staff for 90 days when I die.

Nice try!



Well-Known Member
Do you mean this line?Geez, I can pick and choose what I want to quote and make it read that flags will be flown at half staff for 90 days when I die.

Nice try!

Just answer the question, take the whole line or the part I quoted...it's not changing the meaning.


North Ogden, UT
Just answer the question, take the whole line or the part I quoted...it's not changing the meaning.
In its context, I intertept it how it's written....
In the event of the death of other officials or foreign dignitaries, the flag is to be displayed at half-staff according to Presidential instructions or orders, or in accordance with recognized customs or practices not inconsistent with law.
It absolutely does not apply to the president of a local religious organization.

I know you're biased, but your arguments are moot. Sorry!

How about you answer the same question? How you interpret this line:

...or in accordance with recognized customs or practices not inconsistent with law.


Sandy, Ut
I'm not biased... but why waste your time e-complaining about it. Put your money where your mouth (keyboard) is and file a formal complaint, host a rally, start a petition drive. The only thing worse than a "tattle-tale"... is an idle complainer ;) You speak so highly of laws and constitution... so act on them... a laws and regulations are nothing without some backbone.

PS, I'll come to your rally! :rofl:


North Ogden, UT
I'm not biased... but why waste your time e-complaining about it. Put your money where your mouth (keyboard) is and file a formal complaint, host a rally, start a petition drive. The only thing worse than a "tattle-tale"... is an idle complainer ;) You speak so highly of laws and constitution... so act on them... a laws and regulations are nothing without some backbone.

PS, I'll come to your rally! :rofl:
My intentions are only to educate and make people think. (from an outsider's point of view)(and I'm an outsider)
Ah! Ruffled feathers.

It looks like my evil plan of debate worked. :ugh:


Sandy, Ut
Ah! Ruffled feathers.

It looks like my evil plan of debate worked. :ugh:

If you think "debates" like this ruffly my feathers... you don't know me too well. I could care less, its trivial, it happened, it will happen in the future, it has happened in the past.

However don't disguise your intentions with those of attempting to "educate and make people think". IMO you are trying to convince, and when your trying to convince, others will do-so in return, regarless of the outcome (which in this case is null/void as it happened and no amount of complaining will change that). Long story short... its e-complaining. It falls short of anything with purpose in that the apathy of all to many will prevent anything from becoming of it IMO. ;)

Here's another one to bring up for "education and to make people think"... "Why does the f-in government keep closing public land to 4-wheeling, I pay my taxes, its public property... I can go anywhere I want" :rolleyes:


Active Member
West Mtn, Utah
Since freedom of religion was brought up I will say only this on the subject: "Freedom of religion means freedom to ANY religion"

Wow, that is most true statement of this post. I may knock on your door and offer to discuss what I believe to be true, but I don't solicit lobbyists to keep community significant displays in which contain the word "God" in it to be removed from Government facilities.

This country was truly founded on religious freedoms, freedoms from persecution for what ever religion. I do not feel that flying a flag at half mass is a religious persecution. I am proud that we live in a country that if we choose to honor a Mormon, or Catholic or Buddhist, we can not be persecuted for doing so.