Forrest Fenn's Treasure Hunt

The Man Who Found Forrest Fenn's Treasure​

That's awesome, glad that there is at least one person out there who is concerned about stuff getting destroyed by tourists, and that he won't share the location. Also, it's insane that the lady suing him even has a leg to stand on. It does make me wonder if, in the lawsuit, he'll have to disclose the exact location though. Even if it is just for the internal court record, I bet eventually it'll get out somehow.
I guess there would have to be some way of proving to the judge that he didn't find it in new mexico. Or better yet, the lady needs to prove a lot more. How this guy stole her info and prove it was where she says it was. I can't believe a judge would hear any of it, unless she did have some of that proof. Could be interesting.
It all boils down to who has the most money and if she is willing to spend a fortune on lawyers, he will have to spend money to defend himself.
She herself is an attorney, a real estate attorney, but makes me wonder if she has connections that are willing to fight with her just to try to get a cut.