Gas prices

Anybody else catch the news about the gas prices in Utah? They're saying were getting gouged by local suppliers, because Utah is now way above the national average.... -_-

:eek: Go to, and then click on "price charts" towards the top. And mess with the gas prices in SLC along with the USA Average. We normally follow the USA average faily close and just a little under average, but starting early August the national average started to drop, but the SLC prices have stayed flat to where we are now 30 cents over the national average. Why isn't the local media all over this?
The excuse (or one of them) is that all the gas in the SLC area is refined locally, with local crude--so we're kinda on our own "island" not affected by the national supply so much. The local refineries had some technical issues preventing them from producing enough, thus our prices stay high. :rolleyes:

That doesn't explain why our prices RISE when the national average does, though. How did Hurricane Katrina affect our little gasoline island last year? :confused:
The excuse (or one of them) is that all the gas in the SLC area is refined locally, with local crude--so we're kinda on our own "island" not affected by the national supply so much. The local refineries had some technical issues preventing them from producing enough, thus our prices stay high. :rolleyes:

That doesn't explain why our prices RISE when the national average does, though. How did Hurricane Katrina affect our little gasoline island last year? :confused:

Learn something new everyday. :)
Just heard on the news that the Governor will be meeting with his "Gas Team" within the next few hours to begin the investigation. I am curious, my friends always say that Maverick gas will ruin you car and they refuse to go there. Is there any information on this?
Just heard on the news that the Governor will be meeting with his "Gas Team" within the next few hours to begin the investigation. I am curious, my friends always say that Maverick gas will ruin you car and they refuse to go there. Is there any information on this?

Look out a west window. Maverick gas comes from one of those refineries. They buy it in bulk from Chevron, Flying J or ???. It's the same stuff you get elsewhere, just different marketing. Maverick MIGHT not get fuel from the same refinery all the time (no personal knowledge).
Saw a flying J truck dumping at a chevron the other day....

I think gas is gas. I choose where to fuel based on the price that day. Frequently it ends up being a Maverick, since they typically have the lowest prices of the stations around me.
The reason why I posted is I have always wanted to see if their really was any investigation into the Maverick gas thing because my feeling is and has always been that gas is gas and when Maverick is cheaper you go there. My dad works for one of the local gas companies, and Mbryson hit it right on the head. The company my dad works for supplies 80% of the stations along the Wasatch Front, their isn't much difference in the refining process between the companies, however each company does have its own additive. IMHO gas is gas it will burn either way. I have gotten in a heated debate with a few people over the years about the Maverick gas predicament, I guess some people will believe anything they see on tv.
I purchased some Maverik gas and couldn't get my truck up over 40 mph on the freeway. It got about 5 mpg on the trip also. I have had a hard time purchasing fuel from them again unless it is the high octane.

I find that their fuel prices aren't much different than any other place also.
I'd like to think gas is gas, but it isn't. It's been years since I've tried Maverick but at that time a 2 stroke engine would hardly even run on it, and smaller ones would NOT run. I got fuel there one day, truck ran not the best but alright on it. Drove to Bountiful and my back pack blower would not start, fought with it for an hour up there, gave up, drove home fought with it some more... tore it down and rebuilt it, it still would not even fire. I pored the gas out and put in some gas from Harts and it fired right up. That was THE last time I bought gas from Maverick, I even ran out about 100 yards from there one time and called for a ride to another gas station. I have personal knowledge of 3 built two stroke wheeler motors that have melted down on Maverick gas.
I've been told that they buy a lot of gas out of Wyoming, esp. gas that has spent too much time in storage ie on rail cars.
The crapiness of Maverick gas seems to be accentuated by the demands of a performance built motor.

In short, I don't need to save a few cents that badly.
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Gas is pretty much gas, but not all gas stations are alike. Some have bad reputations or track records for maintenance of their storage tanks and this can cause dirt/crud/water to contaminate their fuel. Often times that can be the cause of "rumors" of bad (quality) gas.
The quality of gas is dependant on the quality of the crude going in, the quality control druing the processing AND the way it's treated post processing (additives, storage quality, length of storage).
The quality of gas is dependant on the quality of the crude going in, the quality control druing the processing AND the way it's treated post processing.

....and age. I think you hit the 'Maverick' myth right on the head. I've had similar experience. I wonder if they do buy old stock type of fuel at times at a discounted price? I've not bought from there (or 7eleven/Citgo) for at least 10 years or so......

FWIW, I always buy from Chevron, Sinclair, Phillips, or Shell. Diesel, I buy Chevron, Shell or Flying J (but I'm runing Dal Saglio at the moment--B20).
Gas is not just gas, all gas is different do to the quality control that it goes through. Most gas stations don't test there gas when they recieve it, (and most don't know how to). Many things can ruin fuel. For example, if a tanker delivers say 87 oct. to a gas station and it had deisel fuel in its tanks before and he did'nt flush out between deliveries, now that fuel is contaminated. It may not keep your car from running, but it may run poorly or ruff. If you want good gas I would recommend Cheveron or Texaco, they have the highest quality control standards in the industry, I know that because I sell there aviation fuel. Everyday we are required to test there fuel, in our storage tanks and in our fueling trucks, and it all has to be documented. Also some gas stations don't check there storage tanks often enough and they don't test any of the seals on the openings to the tanks. This can allow water and dirt to get traped inside of them. There are alot of variables as to why gas may be better at one place vs another. And these are just some of the reasons. Well, those are my thoughts. OH, I won't by gas from maverik either.:cool: