Goblin Valley vandalism


No Ogden
Yea, they were there with a scout troop. They were the leaders, and probably church members. I say throw the book at them. If my son was in that troop, and or in their young mens program. I would instantly pull him out. These yahoos do not represent any type of respect or ideology I wish my child to learn. They should be embarrassed and spend time in jail.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Yea, they were there with a scout troop ... They should be embarrassed and spend time in jail.

Those were scouts? Screw jail time, I smell a service project. A BIG one. Big enough that it hurts.

Maybe set up their entire Scout troop under some portable shade with ice cold lemonades to watch while those two short-bus riding mouth-breathers get to gravel a couple miles of path and drive in the stakes for about 200 signs asking tourists not to topple the rocks.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
The really screwed up part, from what I hear, is that they are part of an entire community of ass clowns. The article says that when the jack wad posted the video of his moronic act on Facebook, he got tons of props from his peeps for it.

He's not alone. And I bet he's been breeding already.

The world is screwed.



By endurance we conquer
I have always liked that goblin valley let you roam around wherever you want to. That will probably end now. There will be more restrictions for those of us that respect the state parks.


Well-Known Member
Yea, they were there with a scout troop. They were the leaders, and probably church members.

I think what they did is horrible and shouldn't have been done, but just because they did it, doesn't mean they are likely to be church members. Me for one, being a scout leader and a church member, would never do that and would be pissed if I saw one of my boys trying to do that.


Starting Another Thread
Sunny Arizona
The newspaper story pretty much sums it up:

"Glenn Taylor said Thursday afternoon that he was the man who pushed over the formation, while Dave Hall filmed and Dylan Taylor looked on. According to Taylor, he and Hall are leaders for a local troop of the Boy Scouts of America. Hall added that the men also were acting as Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints youth leaders".

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I think what they did is horrible and shouldn't have been done, but just because they did it, doesn't mean they are likely to be church members.

He meant they were likely to be LDS because they were with a Scout troop, not because they're jerks ;).


Registered User
Those were scouts? Screw jail time, I smell a service project. A BIG one. Big enough that it hurts.

Maybe set up their entire Scout troop under some portable shade with ice cold lemonades to watch while those two short-bus riding mouth-breathers get to gravel a couple miles of path and drive in the stakes for about 200 signs asking tourists not to topple the rocks.

Here lies the disposition that they should recieve.


Well-Known Member
The newspaper story pretty much sums it up:

"Glenn Taylor said Thursday afternoon that he was the man who pushed over the formation, while Dave Hall filmed and Dylan Taylor looked on. According to Taylor, he and Hall are leaders for a local troop of the Boy Scouts of America. Hall added that the men also were acting as Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints youth leaders".

OK, soooooo they are members....they definitely do not represent me or the majority of them. Especially the scout leaders that I know


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I can easily see that this was simply a "non-thinking" moment. Have any of you ever rolled a rock down a hill? He was just doing the same, but on a larger scale. His actions were simply not well thought out. He was just playing and having fun.
Was it illegal? Yeah. Was the rock doomed to fall anyway? Probably.
I am all for taking care of land.. But even well cared for land changes dramatically if used.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville Utah
I can easily see that this was simply a "non-thinking" moment. Have any of you ever rolled a rock down a hill? He was just doing the same, but on a larger scale. His actions were simply not well thought out. He was just playing and having fun.
Was it illegal? Yeah. Was the rock doomed to fall anyway? Probably.
I am all for taking care of land.. But even well cared for land changes dramatically if used.
Rolling a rock down a hill and knocking the goblins over in goblin valley are not on the same page. They should have known better at their age.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I've rolled lots of rocks down lots of hills. Thrown them off cliffs etc. Some of that, with hindsight, was foolish - I could have hurt somebody. But knocking down "goblins" in "Goblin Valley"? That is beyond a non thinking moment, it is just assinine no matter how you slice it. Or, if a non thinking moment, indicative of an individual for whom that is a perpetual state.



Active Member
West Valley
Well this kind of thing is what gets us kicked out of places. Using their own thoughts on the matter and claiming (PUBLIC SERVICE) I guess they can go down to Arches and find one with a crack in it and bring it down using the reasoning that IF someone was walking near it WHEN it did fall they would get hurt .......... people will say this is an extreme example but really is it ..... and just wait till the tree huggers get running with this if nothing is done my warped little mind can come up with lots of bad things happening