help me brainstorm what to get for my next vehicle

I'll bet you could get them down a grand, Mitsubishi is the Dodge of Japanese vehicles.

Your quote is scaring me. You know how much I hate dodges. Are you saying this in relation to their TVs and electronics, or cars as well? I would think mitsubishi was a step above Suzuki at least. The monteros sound like a solid rig.
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Your quote is scaring me. You know how much I hate dodges. Are you saying this in relation to their TVs you and electronics, or cars as well? I would think mitsubishi was a step above Suzuki at least. The monteros sound like a solid rig.

I think there are some shared vehicles and others are strictly Mitsubishi. The Dakota and Raider were basically the same vehicle but I don't think they ever shared components with the Montero to something like the Durango.
I could see that. I always lumped isuzu and mitsubishi in the same category: never really caught on as a main brand, but decent for the price.
Haha, what I meant is they make cool vehicles that have not so great resale.

It seems like after a few years they level off in price.

I've always held the opinion that with more gadgets there is more to go wrong.

I personally like the Dodges. I think Fiat has done them a service.
For example, I wanted so badly to hate the new Cherokee (because I'm a XJ nut, but then I drove a Trailhawk. And other than doing a disservice to itself with the name, they are amazing, 23+ mpg real world, real lockers, tons of space, AC Seats! ... I'm rambling now...
The new Durango is amazing. There is a reason it won Motor Trend's latest V6 SUV big test.
The new turbo 8 speed Dart is a stand out in it's segment too.

I love em. Easy for me to afford, but I'm different than you. Instead of spending so much energy buying and highly modifying a vehicle every few months just to sell it. I generally do the same painstaking research and modification so I can plan on keeping it.... And avoid paying that pesky sales tax and registraion 3 times a year. Lol. ;)

I'm guessing it's a practical reason why you don't like vehicles without premium resale: if I resold vehicles as often, I wouldn't be keen on depreciation. So to each his own.

But really think about it: that Montero, when new was billed as competition for the big Lexus SUVs.and priced similarly. If that same 100-140k mileage bohemoth Lexus GX-whatever is selling for $14k and the Mitsu is selling for $5k you get what I'm saying about reasale value...
However, you get more for your money. It does all the same stuff as the other luxury beast at nearly 1/3 the price... At the slight penalty of resale. (however at this point they've both platued off).

Long winded... But hopefully I rambled to a point.