Help my wife give birth....

is this not a topic you expected on a off road forum? I have a friend that cringes when he listens to his wife, my wife, an another friends wife when they get together an start talking, where I could probably sit there an talk with them about anything, my wife has tainted me.
For hell's sake, it isn't the 30's. Now a days you just call the doctor and tell them what day you want the kids birthday to be and schedule to have them start her.

Russ, that is a mental image I could have done without. What is that saying, what has been seen cannot be unseen. Same goes for mental images.
Well, lets just say that a combination of some things all at once that have been mentioned worked....for awhile. Contractions came, and then stopped. I guess that just means that we'll have to try again tonight.....Yesssssssssssss. :D
Well, lets just say that a combination of some things all at once that have been mentioned worked....for awhile. Contractions came, and then stopped. I guess that just means that we'll have to try again tonight.....Yesssssssssssss. :D

you have to last more than 2 minutes for it to work right.. :rofl:
Once the contractions start, she needs to keep moving, walking around or something. If you have stairs going to a basement have her walk up an down. Was she on time, early, late, with your first?
Well, lets just say that a combination of some things all at once that have been mentioned worked....for awhile. Contractions came, and then stopped. I guess that just means that we'll have to try again tonight.....Yesssssssssssss. :D

You weren't playing with your own nipples, were you? I don't think that works the same way.

My wife is due next week with our third.

Key tricks:

sex, boobs, wadling, strenuous work.

I had Taco Bell for lunch yesterday, by the time I got home from work, I gave birth to a little **** (well not so little, i could have used some scissors to make it easier during birth)

Use some salad tongs to reach up and grab the baby.

Just tried this, it didn't work. Although, our salad tongs don't open that far. Probably not far enough to grab a baby head. Do you have any that might work that open more? Ask Jami if I can borrow them.