Help needed with AF Canyon Service project: Thursday and Friday, Sept 27th-28th


Well-Known Member
so would I just take American Fork Rd and go straight to A when I get there or should I stop at B first?

At 10:00 they'll be at point A, but throughout the day they'll be driving back and forth. Look for the Forest Service truck. Points A and B are only about 5 min apart, so it should be easy to spot them.


Time to fix up my Zuk :D
Plymouth UT
We are planning on being in the area early on Friday (I don't know when exactly, long drive from Plymouth in a Zuk lol) but should be able to help with loading and unloading.
Observations, comments, and generally just thinking out loud here to help myself understand the scope. Also, full disclosure, I probably will not be there until Saturday morning, so again, this is offered only as a way to understand the scope and allow enough time and manpower.

380 logs, 8" x 14', Assuming pine, 8" x 14' log will be 200-205lbs. 380 logs is 76,000 lbs.

Using my jeep hauler 7'x16' trailer as reference, it is 7000 lbs capacity, which would be 35 logs; 10 logs wide, 3-4 logs high (32"). Once above the fenders, this is a potential safety issue. Definitely want the stakes in the side stake pockets. Not sure I'd want to load it to capacity. Looking at 10-15 loads. That's quite a bit of time, assuming that we have the manpower to safely load and unload these. We handled a lot of logs like this when we built our cabin. Definitely want many hands on each end of the operation (loading and unloading).

How is the FS transporting them, and is there any reason we can't have them delivered to Graveyard Flat? Will they have equipment to offload/load the logs?

SixStringSteve, I understand that you are not able to be there; who is taking charge of the operation?

It's in our nature as wheelers to be fairly independent and self sufficient, ie, "my son and I will just show up and move a bunch and be done". And maybe that's how this will end up, and it would be fine that way. However, I think a better approach is to have many hands at either location, and multiple trailers (5-10).

Having said all that, my plans were to come up early Saturday morning, my son in his blazer, me in the jeep, both doing Mineral Basin in the afternoon. We may just bring the blazer. I don't think I can get up there on Friday, I just got a HUGE project at work and it may not be a wise move to be absent Friday, we'll see. If I can, I'll bring the blazer/trailer up and move logs.
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Well-Known Member
We have been planning this for over 2 months. We could use all the volunteers we could get. There will be a few FS employees there helping as well as some Lone Peak 4wheelers. The more hands we get, the better.


Thanks for putting this into perspective Bret. I know my trailer only has a couple thousand pound capacity and will likely not have side rails or stakes, I haven't seen it in a couple weeks so I'm not sure what my buddy has done with it since. You are right this is a large task and I'm going to assume there will still be plenty to do on Friday.

Kevin, I'm going to show up around ten in the morning and work until we are done after that I am down to go make sure Mineral Basin has not vanished. Once that is over I'll probably come hang out for a couple hours before I head out.

I will load up a bunch of firewood as well before heading out.


Well-Known Member
bump, this is tomorrow. The FS will have 5 people there, a trailer, and a whole lot of work to be done. If you're available tomorrow, they could sure use your help.


Well-Known Member
Sandy, Utah
I can help Friday. I have the whole day off.

Is there a certain time frame? I was planning on getting everything together Thursday night/Friday morning anyway for this weekend...


Well-Known Member
I am gonna be leaving taylorsville at 11:20, so I should be there at 12:50 or so. I will see those that are coming there.


Well-Known Member
I can help Friday. I have the whole day off.

Is there a certain time frame? I was planning on getting everything together Thursday night/Friday morning anyway for this weekend...

10 AM- 4 PM is the time frame on Thursday and Friday.
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Well-Known Member
I thought it was till 4pm? I have to head out no matter what at 4 cause I have to relieve my wife of the kids.


Well-Known Member
sweet. Thanks Kyle. While you're up there, help Kevin B. scope out a good camp site for us. Cheryl is going to let us rope off our site for the training day and reserve it. We'll get the area to ourselves, we just need to rope it off on Thursday.