Help needed with AF Canyon Service project: Thursday and Friday, Sept 27th-28th


Well-Known Member
I just got off the phone with Marlin. He said the logs weigh about 125 lbs. Cheryl was strong enough to carry one end, so I'm sure Kyle and Kevin can handle it together. :D

Apparently the logging company goofed on the order, and we didn't get all the logs up there tonight. So the Forest Service will be picking up another load of logs a 6:30 AM in Heber and delivering them to Dutchman Flats before you guys get there.


Well-Known Member
Great question, I wish they could. Their trailer is HUGE. It's too big for the trail. Plus their 2wd truck can't make it up there. Remember, their definition of "technical" is quite different from ours.
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How come they don't just deliver it to graveyard flat?
Great question, I wish they would. Their trailer is HUGE. It's too big for the trail. Plus their 2wd truck can't make it up there. Remember, their definition of "technical" is quite different from ours.

I spoke with Marlin earlier, he went up today and he will post up with his report with more details. Basically, they are using a dump truck to deliver the logs from Heber (2-3 trips today, more trips tomorrow, possibly more on Friday or Monday? FS not happy). It's not really a traction problem*, they are worried about overtipping the truck at the off-camber turnoff to Graveyard Flat. I might be too. (*a 2wd dually with a heavy load can go some amazing places)

Edit: oh, looks like Marlin called Steve instead of posting. Oh well, same info. Logs look to be 6" to 8" and can be handled by 2 people. Good deal!
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Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Just to be clear, we're meeting at Dutchman Flats, which is just past the turnoff for Mary Ellen, right? And Graveyard Flat is back towards Tibble and up the side road to the right and back as you face upcanyon, with the slightly rocky entrance?
so I assume once I leave school, I can just go to Dutchman Flat and meet up with any volunteers. Is Dutchman Flat a parking lot or is it up the trails a little ways?
Dutchman flat is about 30 min up a dirt road.

Based on the location on Steve's map, google maps says it is 4.6 miles past the potties at Tibble Fork Resevoir parking lot.

How long it takes is up to you, your vehicle, and potential unaware folks in front of you that may or may not allow you to "play through".

Steve's estimate of 30 minutes is a safe bet. Many moons ago, I recall listening to both sides of C.W. McCall's Greatest Hits as I travelled from I-15 to Mineral Basin.

In my jeep, with 12psi 39" iroks and soft waggy rancho springs, I can go a LOT faster on that road than I can in my stiffly sprung eXcursion on street pressure 35's. Like 4 times faster. In a stockish vehicle or pulling a trailer up the road, you're gonna want to go pretty slow or else it will be airborne most of the time. Loaded trailer, you'll wanna go pretty slow or you'll have broken springs. Ask me how I know. The road isn't difficult, just VERY bumpy in places.

Going slow, please watch for folks coming up behind you and allow them to pass. It's the courteous thing to do. :)


Well-Known Member
Just to be clear, we're meeting at Dutchman Flats, which is just past the turnoff for Mary Ellen, right? And Graveyard Flat is back towards Tibble and up the side road to the right and back as you face upcanyon, with the slightly rocky entrance?

Your description is correct. See the map on post #1. The FS and other volunteers will be somewhere between Dutchman Flat and Graveyard Flat. Thanks again for volunteering you guys, it's awesome to see people step up to the plate when help is needed. The FS is beyond impressed with us.


Well-Known Member
I definitely can't take any credit for this project. It isn't my project. Kurt, the FS, and others have been pushing this project for YEARS. It just happened to work out where it coincided with the QTD (of which Kurt, Stephen, Mesha, Mbryson, SAMI, thefirstzukman, and others are integral team members). I just started the thread.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again for your help guys. I wish I were up there lifting logs with your rather than sitting at the desk here at work. What a beautiful day!

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I wish I were up there lifting logs with your rather than sitting at the desk here at work. What a beautiful day!

I wish you were up there too, those things are heavy.

We got two dumptruck loads moved today. There's one more to move, and Cheryl and crew are starting the fence tonight they said.

Bring raingear, we got afternoon thundershowers today.

Sent from my PH44100 using Tapatalk 2


Well-Known Member
Was cool to go up an help an be up in the mountains, wish I could have gotten there sooner.steve- next time you see or talk to Cheryl, call her zena.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
sweet. Thanks Kyle. While you're up there, help Kevin B. scope out a good camp site for us. Cheryl is going to let us rope off our site for the training day and reserve it. We'll get the area to ourselves, we just need to rope it off on Thursday.

It's roped. We didn't like the spots you were eyeballing, Steve, so we followed Cheryls advice and flagged off the big area right off the Mary Ellen Gulch trailhead.

Hey Kevin, how many trailers were there and roughly how many trips to get two thirds of it moved?

I want to say like 15 trailerloads total, plus or minus? We started with one trailer that made 3 or 4 trips, then another showed up and they each made several more. I think each trailer was moving 12-14 logs per trip, anyway, and we had all the logs moved by around 1600 when the last truckload of them arrived, so with three trailers going in the morning we should polish it off.

I won't be there right at 10, I've got some things in morning, but I'll be there.