Hole in the Rock Plan to Plan thread

Let's plan a dirtbike trip on this trail. In and out in a day. I think it's doable pretty easily on a bike. Fri-Sun type deal. Setup a base camp a few miles in on Friday, then do an in and out the next day starting early, then screw around a little the last day, then pack-up and be out of there Sunday afternoon.

That would be a sweet trip... Guess I better get me a bike ;)
The guy at the airport said October is the best time of year to go.
To me May is the best time to go unless high winds occur as they often do in the spring. In May the wildflowers and some green grass are out. There are some excellent wildflower areas along the trail. I am nuts about wildflowers. The best weather is in October though.
Let's plan a dirtbike trip on this trail. In and out in a day. I think it's doable pretty easily on a bike. Fri-Sun type deal. Setup a base camp a few miles in on Friday, then do an in and out the next day starting early, then screw around a little the last day, then pack-up and be out of there Sunday afternoon.

I would love to rent a razor/bike and come with you guys.
I can't do May, Old School is taking up all my available time (and money). I would like to do this sometime this year though.
i sure hope so. Not sure when though. I have a wedding I'm "supposed" to go to in October. Not sure what September is looking like but it's probably gonna have to be early to mid september or late october or november I think. But I'm still not even sure on those dates since my wife has so much crap floating around in her mind calendar.
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September works for me, probably better weather than early October. I used to go to Lake Powell over labor day and it was always perfect. We want to shoot for that time frame?