How can we help U4


Well-Known Member
It seems like U4 could use a boost. What can your every day wheeler do to help?

I'm a U4 member for 3 years, but I haven't been good about doing anything other than paying my annual membership fee.

I don't want to stir the drama, it sounds like there's plenty in the past. I just want to know what I, and others, can do to help U4 move forward. I will start by going to the monthly meetings, but I'm trying to learn what I can do beyond that.
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Poker of the Hornets Nest
As Steve Jackson once told me --Figure out what you can do for them, then offer to do it, U4 does not have the time or resources to tell people what they want or need-- (not verbatim)--- oh and go to meetings and if you can't you suck

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
Board meetings are open to the public so anyone can attend. I attended every meeting since Jan of 2009 before deciding that the time was right for me to get on the court a few months ago.
There are a few people who spend a lot of time talking about everything that's wrong with U4 and a lot of it has to do with hurt feelings.
My advice would be attend a meeting or two and decide for yourself if U4 is perfect, flawed or just about right. The last few meetings we've had new attendees come and offered their skill sets to address a need or fix a problem U4 has. There are vacancies on the board and there's always lots to be done.
Personally, I don't care about the drama and I hope those people learn to get over their pain for their own sakes. I've been a member since 2007 and I feel that the organization is good and filled with some of the finest humans I've met. Even scoutabout :)

Board meetings are on the last Thursday of each month at LHM Jeep in Sandy 6:30pm upstairs conf room.


Poker of the Hornets Nest
I feel that the organization is good and filled with some of the finest humans I've met. Even scoutabout :)

Don't get me wrong.. Steve wasn't being a Jerk when he said that, that was just the reality of the situation. Oh and I don't have hurt feelings about U4 I just see them as representing themselves as something they are not :greg:

Land use org or club to set up trail runs ?


Well-Known Member
When are these trail runs happening? I haven't heard of any of them. (not trying to challenge you Doss, I just want to attend a few).

If more people attended the monthly meeting, would that be beneficial to U4?


Poker of the Hornets Nest
The last push I can remember U4 really making towards something was winter on the rocks.. The Compass until just recently is mostly filled with trail run info not land use information, meeting minutes show an inordinant amount of time spent on trail runs compared to what U4 actually is doing (not thinking about looking into doing stuff :) or talking about what other clubs or groups have done)

is U4 the clearinghouse for what is going on- if they are they don't advertise this information well...
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It's time for one of these threads again? The best thing anyone can do is get offline and start doing something IRL. Instead of just talking. Search RME, there are dozens of "how to help" and "what can we do for U4" threads.


Well-Known Member
I was just showing why this is a needed thread.

Im all for your service project, but Im not sure why you would give U4 the credit for it, if your not an active member.

If U4 wants people to join, and donate, where is the motivation from U4?

(Note: Im not against U4, but, they need to help people, want to help them.)


Poker of the Hornets Nest
Member clubs host trail runs not U4. The rest, I still don't get what you're saying.

Ok.. member clubs host trail runs.. and then U4 helps out and spends most of their time and energy in making sure that those trail runs are superb trail runs and that everyone has a great time...

U4 fails at doing anything when it comes to actual land use, U4 land use projects planned? U4 NPLD push? U4 sponsored letter writing campaign?

Oh wait U4 has given money to other land use orgs that are doing things... but that doesn't count for U4 doing anything.

Right now U4 supports everyone else and prints a magazine that has little to do with land use.

--- To make myself clear U4 does not do anything other than TALK and support other groups----

I would rather give my money to other groups that are actually doing something instead of having U4 have to skim some off the top for operating expediencies.. I haven't seen anything happen that would not have happened on its own if U4 was not around - hell RME has Noob runs and get people trained on tread lightly and proper etiquette.. winter on the rocks from what I heard had no time spent talking about ethics and was largely supported by U4...


Well-Known Member
If steve was an active member of U4, then the noob runs could be used as a tool.

But, right now. I dont see what U4 does that I could help with.

NOTE: check out on the U4 page, more info on NPLD coming soon... haha!


Formerly Beardy McGee
If steve was an active member of U4, then the noob runs could be used as a tool.

But, right now. I dont see what U4 does that I could help with.

Interesting how not one of the U4 BOD jumped on the 'Noob' run like flies on shit, considering how much popularity and traction the 'Noob Run' is gaining.... :-\