We usually do alot of solo wheeling also but I also do like a good group run every once in awhile. I ran with the Wasatch outlaws in the fall which was fun since it was someone else's trail ride and I didn't have to worry about who was gonna show or not.
If ya haven't guesed, I like to host trail rides/runs.
A place where you do want people with you , is snow runs. It's not if but when ya get stuck. I was lucky enough to have DaveN and Rubi-on-rocks with me. We got along great and worked together for one common goal ( to get as far as we could) using all the different recovery gear each of us brought. Tire size didn't matter, just the teamwork is what got us as far as we did.
Next winter I'd like to host a big snow campout/run.
It was just too much fun.
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