How could we improve RME?


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
My input on people being underwhelmed by meeting someone in person.

I think I have spoken to Kurt in person once. I'm sure I could walk right by him in public and he wouldn't recognize me. Should he, from our one 5 second face to face interaction? I don't think so. However, several people I have sent his way to buy products have mentioned that "Glockman" sent me and he acknowledged he knew my RME handle. I think a lot of people just don't know what you actually look like. Maybe if you introduced yourself as such and such from RME it would make a difference, maybe not. I know I'm far more inclined to chat with someone who I know is my make believe internet friend than some random stranger.

This is where the meet and greets would help put faces to aliases and maybe reduce hurt feelings while building the internet community into a bigger real world community. Still, the main posters on RME, Kurt, Greg, Caleb and Steve come to mind here, don't owe it to anyone to be their friend. Posting to a forum is not building real life friendships. The forum to me is a way to find out about events that, if I attend might result in building friendships from those experiences. Maybe everyone there will think I'm a dink or vice versa, oh well, so goes life.

I thought adventurous outdoors people had thicker skin than this. I don't see this clique problem with the motorcycle side of RME. I guess it's because we are just tougher dudes.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Just to ease your fears, I'm still here. No need to be missed. Unlike others, I'm also harder to miss because I know how to make an impression on people (for better or worse).

As if believing others are obligated to be nice to you isn't enough, now there is someone upset because they weren't remembered? You met someone 2-3 times at group events, and they didn't remember you? Wait, how many times was that again? 2? 3? That's very specific of you. You can't remember basic details, yet you're holding someone else accountable for not remember you? Can you name everyone else there? What a jerk you must be if you can't.

I'm certainly no life coach, but it's probably not good practice to judge another person's character or base your own self worth upon a couple passing interactions with them. Or interactions on the internet for that matter. Unlike you, people are imperfect and sometimes they don't remember every last person or handle every interaction perfectly. That doesn't make them bad, and it doesn't mean they don't like you. After all, maybe it wasn't them....maybe it was you that was awkwardly forcing a conversation, or wasn't memorable. I personally can't even remember a person's name 5 seconds after being introduced, but that doesn't mean I don't like you or that I'm an asshole (there are lots of other reasons for the latter).
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somewhat damaged
Well I miss wheeling in Utah since moving to Idaho but I still like to check on RME. I wish it was busier. Better to read than post. I met a lot of great guys like Tacoma, John, Jack Johnson, Shane, and others. A few bad experiences, like a couple of inexplicable attacks by one of the old cronies, and maybe a couple others I don't remember. and no I won't miss Cody at all. I guess its hard to interpret people from a forum though. yeah that's why I avoid pirate and the childishness.
but I figure if you want internet strangers to be your friends, then good luck with that. I remember a couple of well known people here that I met 2-3 times a year on the trail, at cleanups, and at events, and they NEVER remember me. Yeah oh well hahaha
To make this a positive note, maybe RME should form a 4x4 club with Shane as President. Then folks can get to know one another more regularly. I never did find a 4x4 club to join in Utah, and just wheeled with close friends. But RME has enough good peeps that it'd make a nice formal organization.

I've always hoped to get out and wheel with you and your crew again. That was a good time... also, quite a while ago!


Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
Greg, Shane, Kurt, and Marc are all great guys. Heck I built Greg's old budget buggy chassis (which I absolutely love!) Here is what my experiences with these guys have showed me; they are all great guys! Super nice, and willing to help in anyway they can. Greg is a super down to Earth guy, and all around good dude. He has been willing to help me out when I needed it, whether that be questions I had projects, or anything else, he has been willing to help. Shane, Kurt, and Marc are all the same way. Everytime I talk or interact with them, they are always super nice, and willing to help out or answer questions I may have. Great folks to wheel with and be around as well. I have met Cody, thought be a brief 10 minutes or so to pickup a stereo system, but still a really nice guy. I was glad I was able to put a face to a name, and talke with him for a couple minutes.

I try to live and be positive as I can, but I am still a young buck. If I have wronged ANYONE in ANYWAY, I sincerely apologize. I am not perfect in any way, just trying to live my life better than the previous day. If I have wronged anyone in anyway, please PM me, and I would be happy to talk about it, and apologize. I think I have been fairly positive on here, but the interwebz and text can always be misinterpreted.

Thinking back, I cant think of a single RME member that wasnt a nice person. I could be wrong, but I cant think of any. I have met great people like Steve, Rick, Jason, and several other through here.

Anyway, sorry for the hijack, just in the spirit of moving forward, and making RME better, I look at this as burying the hatchet, and starting fresh. I am still open to help in anyway I can to improve, and help RME grow. I will ponder and think on this, but you someone has something specific that they feel I would be great for, please feel free to get a hold of me!

Here's to making RME better!


Finding Utah
Supporting Member
Thinking back, I cant think of a single RME member that wasnt a nice person. I could be wrong, but I cant think of any. I have met great people like Steve, Rick, Jason, and several other through here.

You forgot I am on here..I'm pretty sure that I have not been a nice person to you many times in the past.