How could we improve RME?


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Gents, I think there is a bit of a mis-understanding or perhaps tainted view of the QTD's based on the last one that was hosted. All of the previous QTD's were what I would consider a success in terms of participation. Those I was involved in had big groups, great instructors and even support and involvement from the BLM, etc. The last QTD was a last minute effort by Kevin B and he took the ball and ran and pulled of what I heard was a neat event with little prep time, kudos to him for being able/willing to step up there. We had started discussion with the planning committee about a future QTD and that is where things fell silent.

QTD's are a fair bit of work to plan but we had many shoulders to do the lifting and with enough interest it's rather easy to pull off as a collective. Afterall, teamwork is essential — it allows you to blame someone else. :D

Getting that teamwork and momentum back on the move is what it will take!

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
I'd be in for another concerted effort at making more QTDs happen, I've kinda been waiting to hear somebody ask for one.

I didn't like trying to put the last one together by myself, but that was my fault for trying to put one together by myself :D. It's more work than you'd think to make it happen right, any success in the one I ran is due to the instructors that stepped up, not me. I learned some lessons though, so I'd be game to take another swing at it if there enough interest on the planning front.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
I'm going to add ModStock to the QTD Planning Group... anyone else interested helping plan & carry out RME Training Day events? Please be sure you can help out and be willing to dedicate the time and effort assist!


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
I'd love to lend a helping hand, but I do keep a pretty busy schedule. Put me down to contribute as well, and I'll do my best to accommodate


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
I'm going to add ModStock to the QTD Planning Group... anyone else interested helping plan & carry out RME Training Day events? Please be sure you can help out and be willing to dedicate the time and effort assist!

I'd like to help, but though I've been wheeling since I was a teen, I'm no expert. If you need logistical support, planning help, cooking/bbq etc I'm your guy.


Just thinking out loud here, but I went wheeling on Saturday with a group (I was invited by one of them) off facebook. "Utah Toyota Off Road" or something like that. As we were talking, I asked who was on RME. Nobody knew what I was talking about. Back in the day if the same question was asked, usually some people in a group would be on RME or at least know about it. I feel like there is a "core" group of RME'ers but not a lot of new blood coming in. Some, yes, but it seems like the ones posting are almost all the same. There are a bunch of facebook groups and different clubs here in Utah, and while I agree that RME shouldn't turn into a facebook group, it might be worthwhile to search out some of these other groups and extend an invite. I used to feel like RME was a "hub" for lots of groups to gather all in one place. Now it seems like RME is just another group of the many, and not so much a "hub" for them all.

Another thought, would it make sense to have sub-categories in the main forum page for specific clubs? It might give some awareness to some of the clubs that are in the area, and encourage people to formally join a club in their area.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Good points. I really wonder if posting a link to a write-up or similar in each group might drive traffic back to here and have people look around at what's available? That was kind of the route I was leading towards.


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
I think that we should all consider 'recruiting' new blood whenever we're faced with the opportunity. Whenever I'm approached by people who want to know more about exploring or building cool trucks I point them to RME. I always make a point to invite them to login and take a look around with the promise of good information and good people.


Well-Known Member
I don't know that I have a whole lot to add, but I have been on RME since I was 15. I already was into wheelin and jeeps due to a chronic disease that runs in my family, but RME gave me an outlet to dream about what I wanted in my jeep. Greg's RME TJ was the coolest thing ever for me as a 16 and 17 year old kid who had just purchased my first jeep. A lot of what was on here was a pipe dream for me, but I loved to dream and I was definitely a sponge. Not much of a poster. But definitely absorbing. For 8 or 9 years I was on here almost everyday.

For the last couple of years, I have been on here much less frequently, sometimes going months in between. I had a build thread for the latest iteration of my jeep (yep. Same one from almost 10 years ago), but due to what I perceived as very little interest in what I posted and a goof with my photobucket account, it was easier to delete the thread and move on...

Social media has killed the forums. It would be good to attract more people here to RME. I'm a member of a couple of those Facebook groups. It's a painful thing. Seems like a lot of people unconcerned with trail stewardship. RME has always promoted good trail manners and that needs to continue.


Just thinking out loud here, but I went wheeling on Saturday with a group (I was invited by one of them) off facebook. "Utah Toyota Off Road" or something like that. As we were talking, I asked who was on RME. Nobody knew what I was talking about. Back in the day if the same question was asked, usually some people in a group would be on RME or at least know about it. I feel like there is a "core" group of RME'ers but not a lot of new blood coming in. Some, yes, but it seems like the ones posting are almost all the same. There are a bunch of facebook groups and different clubs here in Utah, and while I agree that RME shouldn't turn into a facebook group, it might be worthwhile to search out some of these other groups and extend an invite. I used to feel like RME was a "hub" for lots of groups to gather all in one place. Now it seems like RME is just another group of the many, and not so much a "hub" for them all.

Another thought, would it make sense to have sub-categories in the main forum page for specific clubs? It might give some awareness to some of the clubs that are in the area, and encourage people to formally join a club in their area.
My son and I were talking about this thread last night. Honestly I don't come here much anymore. I spend most of my on line time on PBB. In the past I found I was pretty irrelevant here. I'm an old guy and don't have a lot in common with most of the people here. I find it funny that the core group on here pretty much exclude others they don't know. I've built a couple of decent rigs and have wheeled hard places. But when I have met people on here on the trail they pretty much acted like they didn't want to know me. I wheel with family so that in the past has made me not want to go with the drunk crowd. I've been here almost from the beginning but could count the people on here I know personally on one hand. I met one guy on here who is one of the key players here once in Moab. Said high and introduced myself, I pretty much got the I'm much to much of a badass to talk to you. You wanted feedback got it.:-\


somewhat damaged
I don't know that I have a whole lot to add, but I have been on RME since I was 15. I already was into wheelin and jeeps due to a chronic disease that runs in my family, but RME gave me an outlet to dream about what I wanted in my jeep. Greg's RME TJ was the coolest thing ever for me as a 16 and 17 year old kid who had just purchased my first jeep. A lot of what was on here was a pipe dream for me, but I loved to dream and I was definitely a sponge. Not much of a poster. But definitely absorbing. For 8 or 9 years I was on here almost everyday.

For the last couple of years, I have been on here much less frequently, sometimes going months in between. I had a build thread for the latest iteration of my jeep (yep. Same one from almost 10 years ago), but due to what I perceived as very little interest in what I posted and a goof with my photobucket account, it was easier to delete the thread and move on...

Social media has killed the forums. It would be good to attract more people here to RME. I'm a member of a couple of those Facebook groups. It's a painful thing. Seems like a lot of people unconcerned with trail stewardship. RME has always promoted good trail manners and that needs to continue.

I remember your thread. One thing I've noticed is that many build threads don't seem to get attention, but people are watching them. I find myself commenting the same thing over and over after updates and feeling kinda silly after realizing... so sometimes I stop commenting. :D

Anyhow, I'm excited to start some new builds and post up. I don't normally like the attention (positive or negative) that my threads get, but I do it because I learned so much from reading and following others... hoping to continue the pattern. I also find a lot of really good ideas and feedback in those threads, whether I realize it right away or not. When I read back on them, there's always really good and constructive info and it makes me happy that I kept up with it. I love seeing the different ideas that everybody has.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
My son and I were talking about this thread last night. Honestly I don't come here much anymore. I spend most of my on line time on PBB. In the past I found I was pretty irrelevant here. I'm an old guy and don't have a lot in common with most of the people here. I find it funny that the core group on here pretty much exclude others they don't know. I've built a couple of decent rigs and have wheeled hard places. But when I have met people on here on the trail they pretty much acted like they didn't want to know me. I wheel with family so that in the past has made me not want to go with the drunk crowd. I've been here almost from the beginning but could count the people on here I know personally on one hand. I met one guy on here who is one of the key players here once in Moab. Said high and introduced myself, I pretty much got the I'm much to much of a badass to talk to you. You wanted feedback got it.:-\

I hope that wasn't me on Hells Revenge. There was an interaction I had a couple years ago that I wish I could do over. I don't remember why I was distracted but I was and had an interaction with someone hitting our Safari group. The upcoming group was cool and just chatted with me but my reaction was poor (and similar to your description). (herding cats for EJS can get interesting at times but my interaction was not what I hope my "normal" would be) If you are referring to me, I sincerely apologize. If it wasn't you, I sincerely apologize to whomever I acted that way to.


I hope that wasn't me on Hells Revenge. There was an interaction I had a couple years ago that I wish I could do over. I don't remember why I was distracted but I was and had an interaction with someone hitting our Safari group. The upcoming group was cool and just chatted with me but my reaction was poor (and similar to your description). (herding cats for EJS can get interesting at times but my interaction was not what I hope my "normal" would be) If you are referring to me, I sincerely apologize. If it wasn't you, I sincerely apologize to whomever I acted that way to.

Metal Masher... Mmmm yeah.:rolleyes:


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Metal Masher... Mmmm yeah.:rolleyes:

I haven't been on Metal Masher for at least 5-6 years. (I was on that EJS trail as a participant (maybe 2010?) but was still helping with some soon to be or disabled vehicles---again, if it was me, I'm very sorry---I don't remember an interaction there but could have easily blown someone off trying to get a very clean Jeep of the trail without damage) I'm there on Wed this year :D
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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I'm not really a key player here and I also don't think I've been on MM for at least 5-6 years, but as the resident badass here my awesomeness doesn't come with an attenuator. It very well could have been me.

I think the last time I ran into someone from here that I didn't know was on Gold Bar Rim (or we might have done Rusty Nail or something) and the guy had a really fancy buggy. I have no clue who he was/is at this point.


somewhat damaged
Metal Masher... Mmmm yeah.:rolleyes:

Well. I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that people were dicks to you. But after seeing somebody apologize for potentially being rude (chances are it wasn't him) and then seeing your reaction, I'm gonna say the problem is... You. Later.


Well. I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that people were dicks to you. But after seeing somebody apologize for potentially being rude (chances are it wasn't him) and then seeing your reaction, I'm gonna say the problem is... You. Later.

Sorry Shane. I tried to talk to you at one of the cleanups. No dice. I was nice to you. But ya,it is me. Later


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Sorry Shane. I tried to talk to you at one of the cleanups. No dice. I was nice to you. But ya,it is me. Later

Shane and I are quite alike... we're both introverts and pretty quiet until you REALLY get to know us. Not making excuses and I don't know the details of your interaction, but Shane is a good, humble guy. He isn't the 'I'm a badass and better than you kinda guy...' I'm sorry Phil, but you read him wrong.


Shane and I are quite alike... we're both introverts and pretty quiet until you REALLY get to know us. Not making excuses and I don't know the details of your interaction, but Shane is a good, humble guy. He isn't the 'I'm a badass and better than you kinda guy...' I'm sorry Phil, but you read him wrong.

Greg, no way did I mean to imply that Shane acted that way. I guess I wanted to meet him and hoped to get to know him. I guess he had other things on his mind at the time. My point is, if someone meets you for the first time and you blow them off. That gives them the impression that you don't care to know them. Now maybe Marc was the same situation. He apologized and I accept his apology. It is something that has ate at me for a long time. You are one of the handful that I know. You know me and I would hope you know I'm a pretty nice guy. Shane's reaction was pretty much what I expected. Kurts also.
What you guys don't seem to get is that there is a click here. I'm not in it. I get that. You don't know me. Whether you mean for it to be that way or not. To an outsider, it just is. Your all buddy's I get that. If that offends you I'm sorry! Just speaking from the heart.