How could we improve RME?

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
The first RME service project I went to was HUGE. Easily forty-fifty trucks showed up for a clean-up at Five Mile. I guess I've compared every cleanup since then to that one, and all have been found wanting, lol.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I don't know that there's really anythign WRONG with RME... as a forum. I think a lot of people are just not into getting together anymore, which is sad. Trail rides are fun, trips are fun, service projects are fun, and what they all had in common was people who committed to show up and actually did. :D

I think a lot of people are Facebooked, Instatweeted out. Too much media, not enough living. It would be awesome if this thread would inspire people to get their friends and go to a trail ride, go to a landuse meeting, the EJS cleanup, etc. Unplug and get back outside. That would be really nice.

But I don't think this forum is lacking in and of itself. *shrug.


Sandy, Ut
It seem like back in the day we had more opportunities to service projects and that is where I met most of the old timers. :D I remember me and Bryson wandering around the desert at 5 mile picking up trash... :) Or hoping in the back of Shawn's landcruiser with Kurt to help pull a rodeo out of Constrictor... Good times...

Man, that was a minute ago... totally good times. Shawn was actually over at my place yesterday, always fun to see him. Speaking of, we need to fix the signs on RS/Con:


(Yes I was a smaller dude then and yes Olly still dyes his hair lol)

I think a active #rme4x4 on Instagram for everybody builds/trips/random things.
I've been trying to figure out how you could post from those apps to the forum. Likely not possible but the interfaces for social media are more "hip"

Tough call, I personally think FB, IG, TW, SC, etc are in fact the demise of many forums proper. They dilute the user group, provide little/no incentive for people to log into the forum and furthermore they are horrid for archiving any data, i.e. go try and find a trip report from someone on Facebook. I'll absolutely agree they are more convenient in most cases than a forum, but we are a forum trying to stay active not a forum trying to make an active IG account. Perhaps I'm looking at it wrong? There are newer (non VB) software's (Xenforo such as Mud is using) that are more social media friendly but I don't know that they really offer anything to incentivize forum activity.

strippers and cocaine:D


Not pointing fingers, but the past couple RME service projects I've attended haven't been stellar in terms of turnout. Just like the QTD, there's not a huge amount incentive for people to organize these things if nobody is going to show up.
The first RME service project I went to was HUGE. Easily forty-fifty trucks showed up for a clean-up at Five Mile. I guess I've compared every cleanup since then to that one, and all have been found wanting, lol.

I think it is imperative to keep them going and giving notice of said event 8 weeks, then 6 weeks, then 4 weeks, etc. ahead of time. Create interest and get the critical mass there, obviously that is a $1 solution to a $100 problem but you get my point. Even if they are slow, you have to keep doing them until they are popular again, if you don't, folks slip away.


Orem, Utah
Seems like years ago everybody used to get out and go wheeling. Big groups, little groups, seemed like a few days a week. It seems like a lot of those wheelers have transitioned to dirt biking. Which is fine. It's still extreme stuff done in the Rocky Mountains. Bring back the old logo with a jeep on the mountain and put a dirtbike on the other side. I wouldn't change much at all. Just seems that a lot of the rock crawlers are doing something different now.


Sandy, Ut
...Just seems that a lot of the rock crawlers are doing something different now.

Interesting thought. Having just returned from King of the Hammers I was quite shocked just how popular rock-crawling and racing is... but not here in Utah. Utah used to play host to a dozen different crawling events each year and we have some of the, if not thee best terrain in the US, yet it did die hard in Utah and the rock-racing Ultra 4 type stuff never took off on the forums. I do find that odd.


I think the forum is fine. Training days has fizzled out but could be brought back without having to buy insurance or put money into it . Maybe just a trail run for starters and if someone wanted to learn something about winching or other we can find a way to show them.
I know I liked the TD at millers where someone showed EMT type things (when to call for the helicopter or not) and CPR was informative .
A few years ago I put on a trail-ride . About 5 rigs showed and turned out to be a good day. Even saved a UTVer that had ran out of fuel from a very long walk back to civilization. I'd like to do it again of people were up to it . hint, hint.
Personally I hate fakebook and wont be on there anytime ever .

Anyhow lets go run a trail soon .


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
I would love to participate in more trail repairs/service projects that are organized... ...I can't always attend, but i have enjoyed the ones i have been to.

This, just a "hey, going here, come if you want" kinda thing. I "organized" one a few years back up Old Ward Canyon in the snow, and it was low key but really fun - with Moab_cj5 leading the way. If you're around and can go, cool. Not every outing has to be Moab or a big plan/expense.


Rarely wrenches
Supporting Member
A few years ago I put on a trail-ride . About 5 rigs showed and turned out to be a good day.


Only putting on a trail ride doesn't need to be a formal event. People are wheeling a lot. This just needs to be a hub for ways to get out and meet new people. This has been a great community for this in the past. I need to get back in the habit of posting up when we're going out. However, southern Utah doesn't have a good showing on RME, so it does end up being an event planned out a few weeks in advance.

The other thought I have is user friendliness. I'd love to be able to more easily upload pictures from my phone (maybe there is an easier way, just not aware)


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Bring back the giveaways, free parts will always draw a crowd!

I personally don't see anything wrong with the forum at all.

Excellent post, though I'm sure an RME keychain bottle opener would make your life easier, and more spiritually uplifting.
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Pile of parts

Well-Known Member
South Jordan
Excellent post, though I'm sure an RME keychain bottle opener would make your life easier, and more spiritually uplifting.

Don't forget the can koozie.... Everyone knows how handy they can be. :D

Honestly, this is the only form of social media I participate in. I lurked for a while in the early years before joining and really didn't care for the "I'm better/know more than you" attitude that was here. Not sure how it changed, but it did and I have enjoyed the forum. As mentioned earlier, maybe we need to just post up our trips. The open invitations have been a great way to meet and reconnect with people. In other words, less web wheeling and more getting out together.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Man, that was a minute ago... totally good times. Shawn was actually over at my place yesterday, always fun to see him. Speaking of, we need to fix the signs on RS/Con:


(Yes I was a smaller dude then and yes Olly still dyes his hair lol)

Tough call, I personally think FB, IG, TW, SC, etc are in fact the demise of many forums proper. They dilute the user group, provide little/no incentive for people to log into the forum and furthermore they are horrid for archiving any data, i.e. go try and find a trip report from someone on Facebook. I'll absolutely agree they are more convenient in most cases than a forum, but we are a forum trying to stay active not a forum trying to make an active IG account. Perhaps I'm looking at it wrong? There are newer (non VB) software's (Xenforo such as Mud is using) that are more social media friendly but I don't know that they really offer anything to incentivize forum activity.

Kurt, I still have the original files for the RS/CON signs and I really regret that I let someone here talk me into making them smaller than I first wanted. We can update and recut them at much better quality these days. Lemme know.
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Threat Level Midnight
FYI, I called David at Utah Powdercoatings to look for that Constrictor sign that was dropped of years back for a powdercoating. He will stop by the shop later today or tomorrow and see if it is still kicking around.


Well-Known Member
This is the only forum i go to on a daily if not twice a day basis, i do miss seeing the trail ride posts, but how many times can you look at the same pics of the same place.

with that said i still enjoy the excitement from a the guy who posts up a trip to the snakes for the first time, in a rig that has almost zero articulation and no lockers!

to wrap it up for me, and like everyone said, i miss the post of a proposed a trail ride, getting excited to go out and riding the trails, with a group of guys, experienced or not, to sit on top of Wayne,s world and watch everyone give it a shot.

i don't know if this gives anything to the site, but i am still here, every day looking to see if so and so's truck is going to finally run, or if so and so's wife is going to have twins.

i know that i can come to this site with any question on just about anything or a concern about whatever, and i can post it up, without fear of humiliation, and know that someone with share an opinion.

i am really bummed that i was cleaning up my old posts and deleted all of my old build threads.....
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.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I see a LOT of growth with a bunch of FaceBook groups. Some of those guys are pretty cool and some are, well, "new guys" that know everything. I wonder how we can move their traffic off of FaceSpace and into a forum?


Wandering the desert
I'm not big on the Facebook groups. Everyone seems to end their posts with "LOL" or "Haha" even when it's a serious post. I can feel the insecurity pouring out of them. I like RME for most of the reasons already stated. I can get my questions answered most times with just searching here and not even posting. I'd love to meet up with more people on here, but I'm pretty rural and have little extra time it seems. But I hear cat videos make the interweb better, so maybe add some of those.