How could we improve RME?


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Facebook annoys me, it's great for seeing what Grandma is up to but try and find something that happened a week ago and you'll never find it.

Agreed but there are a LOT of people running a "forum" there. No real tech and no searching but...

I'm not big on the Facebook groups. Everyone seems to end their posts with "LOL" or "Haha" even when it's a serious post. I can feel the insecurity pouring out of them. I like RME for most of the reasons already stated. I can get my questions answered most times with just searching here and not even posting. I'd love to meet up with more people on here, but I'm pretty rural and have little extra time it seems. But I hear cat videos make the interweb better, so maybe add some of those.

Agreed. I'm just amazed at the numbers of people there


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Thanks for all the thoughts, ideas and input everyone, way more feedback than I was expecting! I love RME and the tight-knit community we've created over the years. IMO one thing that is different from a lot of forums is the fact that you're very likely to run into other RME members on the trail, so we realize the need to treat each other well. For me RME is a huge part of my life... the friends I've made, the trips I've been on and the different things that have been shared. It has all impacted my life in a very good way. I really am happy with the caliber of the people on here and the posts they make... makes me proud! I'm glad we have an easy going group of people that get along well, not too many trouble makers or too much 'holier than thou' attitude. It makes my job here easier and my time on RME more enjoyable. I realize you all are busy people with your own lives and I do appreciate your taking the time here to share build threads, trip reports, tech threads, etc, etc.

I'm going to try to respond to all the suggestions/thoughts/ideas and we'll go from there, but may not get to them all.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
I am down for more get-togethers. More training days. More group runs/clean-ups/activities.

However, being a planning part of the last training day, It sucks to put in so much effort only to have people not show up/show up late/etc

We can work on more activities/trips & cleanups... the biggest thing that needs to happen is support for these events. I got burned out on the 5MP NPLD Cleanup because the last couple we hosted had a dismal turnout, compared to the past. 8 guys can only do so much out at 5MP for NPLD and that number is disappointing considering we have over 15,000 registered members!

The Training Days were incredible, but as Steve mentioned they took a LOT of effort with disappointing returns/turnouts at times. I wish we were able to continue them, but I'm not sure it's a renewable resource. :rofl:

The forum is good but more gathering/trail runs would be nice


Bring back the BBQ, I miss that. Doesn't have to be in Moab every year, could we move it around? Sand Hollow/Price/Delta/Logandale/etc? Happy to help if I can, say the word.

That's not a bad idea, move the location of the BBQ around the year to make it more convenient for everyone & hold it somewhere new. Thanks for the offer.... I'll keep you in mind!

X2 on trail rides. I just barely installed the heavy duty battery terminals I won at the Moab BBQ years ago, been lugging those things around. I would prioritize stuff like that.

I do think social events/activities where faces and names can get put together would help the forum get to a different level. You guys that know all the cool trails have a lot of info and experience that I would love to learn from.

I think you're onto something with the last part of your post... we'll take the advice!

I'm unlikely to make it down for a BBQ/meet up, but I'd probably buy a sweat/T-shirt, a hat, and maybe some stickers. So some "swag" would be my suggestion.
Those things don't really help the forum, but it could increase the traffic. It seems like there are 20-30(?) regulars on here and a bunch of lurkers. I almost never contribute anything positive to the community, but I am on here MANY times every day!

I hear ya, being in Colorado it's a commitment for me to come to UT for any RME events. We have had SWAG in the past, need to get that going again. It takes quite a bit of effort on our end, but I agree... the result is very worthwhile.

I'd like to get paid for the intellectual property I spew onto this forum.

Well, you've been slacking lately.... so, NO. :cody:

I would love to participate in more trail repairs/service projects that are organized. I am not a member of an offroad club, but RME is one of the sites i frequent often and try to participate in projects when i see them pop up.

Organized Trail rides are fun too. I can't always attend, but i have enjoyed the ones i have been to.

Meet N Greets are good, but depending on frequency and location may be well attended, or the same ten people show up...

I like the swag idea too.

Thanks for the input!

I think a good idea would be to create a "committee" of sorts to create a rough schedule of the years events. This would help to raise awareness of what's already happening out there, and it would allow us to fill in the gaps. I think more people could attend bbqs, trail rides, trainings, etc if they could see a formal calendar of events for the year. I know it would be hard to pin down solid dates that far out, but they could be slated to happen as the "monthly activity".

I love RME and I try to contribute as much as I can. Unfortunately I'm not diligent about taking pictures or writing trip reports like I should.

Maybe make an incentive plan for high quality trip reports or articles people write that create more traffic. I'll bet all it would take is some swag to encourage more thorough write ups.

I love the ideas Derek, especially a committee of sorts. Also love the idea about rewarding members for quality writeups! We can do that, make people contend for better content and create some higher caliber threads. Love it!!

RME keychain bottle opener. This should be a priority.

OK, I know a guy that could help with that!

It seem like back in the day we had more opportunities to service projects and that is where I met most of the old timers. :D I remember me and Bryson wandering around the desert at 5 mile picking up trash... :) Or hoping in the back of Shawn's landcruiser with Kurt to help pull a rodeo out of Constrictor... Good times...

Anyways, the combination of the opportunity to do good with an awesome forum to support and publicize responsible 4 wheeling through trail reports could bring more visitors!

Just thinking/rambling out loud...

True, the feel-goods that come from the reward of being a positive steward to the public land are huge. The hard part recently has been getting that support for the things we've been doing for a LONG time. The current PSH cleanup is a pretty good example, it's been up for over 2 weeks now (3 maybe) and ONLY TWO PEOPLE have donated! :eek: Getting people excited & involved isn't easy these days. :(

I miss the bbq.


I got burnt out doing that.

I can only imagine Steve, you worked very hard to get that going and the Training Day events you hosted & put together were great! Thanks for the time you put into them!


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
I think a active #rme4x4 on Instagram for everybody builds/trips/random things.

We'll start a thread and see if we can encourage others to share the #rme4x4.... we've been trying to keep our IG & FB accounts fairly active, but could always use assistance with spreading the RME gospel!

How about two RME winte rides in case I get hurt and miss one of them. bummed out I missed one of the funnest riding weekends of the year.

:rofl: Talk to Tyson!

strippers and cocaine:D

You buying? :greg:

Not pointing fingers, but the past couple RME service projects I've attended haven't been stellar in terms of turnout. Just like the QTD, there's not a huge amount incentive for people to organize these things if nobody is going to show up.

Sucks, doesn't it. I've had the same feeling about RME land use projects that we've done the last few years. It's very disappointing to plan a huge event, planning on big numbers and having minimal turnout. I'm not sure what the answer is there, but would love to hear what we can do.

Thinking back on things, I don't remember any huge turn outs either. Just a couple of guys/families here and there trying to do the right thing.

Stars really have to align to get everyone at same place at the same time.

Any excuse to get together will help build the community, but speaking for myself it's more motivation to go help the big picture (service project) than just hanging out eating wings.

Granted this is coming from the eternally single guy who now has 4 kids.(I have been around a while) Now I see a service project as an opportunity to help my kids understand what it means to give back.


The first RME service project I went to was HUGE. Easily forty-fifty trucks showed up for a clean-up at Five Mile. I guess I've compared every cleanup since then to that one, and all have been found wanting, lol.

Yep... I loved seeing that kind of turnout!!

Somehow I deleted another comment.

Since I have a build in progress, I am noticing that RME isn't suffering from the same thing a couple other 4x4 focused forums I frequented, years back. There's still interesting and new content.

I know that it could help if I participated by sharing my own build, even if it isn't everyone's cup of tea.

I like Rick's suggestion a while back to have an RME swap meet.

I would like get-togethers. I have met some good folks through RME and that's helpful to a transplant like me whom has friends through my wife but they don't share my interests.

As well, it would be cool to get together with some folks that would be interested in some of the local spots as I don't know much about what's out here.

Thanks for the input! There has been talk of a swap meet for a long time, the hardest part is finding a place for it!

I don't know that there's really anythign WRONG with RME... as a forum. I think a lot of people are just not into getting together anymore, which is sad. Trail rides are fun, trips are fun, service projects are fun, and what they all had in common was people who committed to show up and actually did. :D

I think a lot of people are Facebooked, Instatweeted out. Too much media, not enough living. It would be awesome if this thread would inspire people to get their friends and go to a trail ride, go to a landuse meeting, the EJS cleanup, etc. Unplug and get back outside. That would be really nice.

But I don't think this forum is lacking in and of itself. *shrug.

Nothing wrong per se, but there seem to be some people that are unhappy with the current 'direction' RME has taken. My thoughts... 'rock crawling' was a massive trend in Utah not long ago. The trend came & went and some of us just can't be as hardcore as we once were, either due to time, money or life in general.

I totally agree with people not getting out as much these days, a lot of people are more interested in talking about the idea of wheelin, rather than just wheelin! If we can flip that back around, start building a solid local group of guys that are spending more time on the trail than I will say that we have succeeded!

Man, that was a minute ago... totally good times. Shawn was actually over at my place yesterday, always fun to see him. Speaking of, we need to fix the signs on RS/Con:

I think it is imperative to keep them going and giving notice of said event 8 weeks, then 6 weeks, then 4 weeks, etc. ahead of time. Create interest and get the critical mass there, obviously that is a $1 solution to a $100 problem but you get my point. Even if they are slow, you have to keep doing them until they are popular again, if you don't, folks slip away.

Fixing the Constrictor sign needs to be a priority for the next RME NPLD 5MP cleanup... :ugh:

Seems like years ago everybody used to get out and go wheeling. Big groups, little groups, seemed like a few days a week. It seems like a lot of those wheelers have transitioned to dirt biking. Which is fine. It's still extreme stuff done in the Rocky Mountains. Bring back the old logo with a jeep on the mountain and put a dirtbike on the other side. I wouldn't change much at all. Just seems that a lot of the rock crawlers are doing something different now.

Yeah, I think we're still a 4x4 forum... just a bunch of us have soldout to dirtbikes. :p

I think the forum is fine. Training days has fizzled out but could be brought back without having to buy insurance or put money into it . Maybe just a trail run for starters and if someone wanted to learn something about winching or other we can find a way to show them.
I know I liked the TD at millers where someone showed EMT type things (when to call for the helicopter or not) and CPR was informative .
A few years ago I put on a trail-ride . About 5 rigs showed and turned out to be a good day. Even saved a UTVer that had ran out of fuel from a very long walk back to civilization. I'd like to do it again of people were up to it . hint, hint.
Personally I hate fakebook and wont be on there anytime ever .

Anyhow lets go run a trail soon .

The hard part about the Training Days is the commitment from someone to organize them. Steve did great, but it's a massive undertaking. Someone needs to step-up in order for them to happen again! The idea of keeping it a little more simple is very worth while!

This, just a "hey, going here, come if you want" kinda thing. I "organized" one a few years back up Old Ward Canyon in the snow, and it was low key but really fun - with Moab_cj5 leading the way. If you're around and can go, cool. Not every outing has to be Moab or a big plan/expense.

That was the intention of the Upcoming Trips forum... get any member that wants to host a basic trail ride, can! It doesn't have to be Pritchett in Moab for buggys only, if someone is willing to invite others they're more than welcome to! I would LOVE to see more of this...


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!

Only putting on a trail ride doesn't need to be a formal event. People are wheeling a lot. This just needs to be a hub for ways to get out and meet new people. This has been a great community for this in the past. I need to get back in the habit of posting up when we're going out. However, southern Utah doesn't have a good showing on RME, so it does end up being an event planned out a few weeks in advance.

The other thought I have is user friendliness. I'd love to be able to more easily upload pictures from my phone (maybe there is an easier way, just not aware)

:cool: Thanks for the input Ben! I would love to see our Southern UT influence grow, we have enough members down there to get things moving. Perhaps it's time for a RME St George Meet & Greet or a Trail Run?

As Derek mentioned, try the Tapatalk app... it has good feedback.

Bring back the giveaways, free parts will always draw a crowd!

I personally don't see anything wrong with the forum at all.

We'll see what we can do, the hard part about the giveaways is going to the supporting businesses and asking for 'free stuff'. I just hate doing that. Perhaps we can come up with fun stuff like the RME Bottle Openers Hickey mentioned, etc.

Don't forget the can koozie.... Everyone knows how handy they can be. :D

Honestly, this is the only form of social media I participate in. I lurked for a while in the early years before joining and really didn't care for the "I'm better/know more than you" attitude that was here. Not sure how it changed, but it did and I have enjoyed the forum. As mentioned earlier, maybe we need to just post up our trips. The open invitations have been a great way to meet and reconnect with people. In other words, less web wheeling and more getting out together.

OK.... koozie! Yeah, that attitude has existed in the past and I hated it. While it's fun to razz your friends, attacking the 'newb' does get old. Totally agree about open invitations to trips, we need to get people out on the trail, making new friends and having fun outdoors!

Forums are my refuge from social media...

Kurt, I still have the original files for the RS/CON signs and I really regret that I let someone here talk me into making them smaller than I first wanted. We can update and recut them at much better quality these days. Lemme know.

:cool: The old Constrictor sign needs to be found, I think it was sufficient but if we can't find it perhaps we'll start working on a new one.

FYI, I called David at Utah Powdercoatings to look for that Constrictor sign that was dropped of years back for a powdercoating. He will stop by the shop later today or tomorrow and see if it is still kicking around.

Awesome, thanks John! We need to get that sign back where it belongs!

This is the only forum i go to on a daily if not twice a day basis, i do miss seeing the trail ride posts, but how many times can you look at the same pics of the same place.

with that said i still enjoy the excitement from a the guy who posts up a trip to the snakes for the first time, in a rig that has almost zero articulation and no lockers!

to wrap it up for me, and like everyone said, i miss the post of a proposed a trail ride, getting excited to go out and riding the trails, with a group of guys, experienced or not, to sit on top of Wayne,s world and watch everyone give it a shot.

i don't know if this gives anything to the site, but i am still here, every day looking to see if so and so's truck is going to finally run, or if so and so's wife is going to have twins.

i know that i can come to this site with any question on just about anything or a concern about whatever, and i can post it up, without fear of humiliation, and know that someone with share an opinion.

i am really bummed that i was cleaning up my old posts and deleted all of my old build threads.....

:cool: Always love seeing your fab & build threads Rick!

I see a LOT of growth with a bunch of FaceBook groups. Some of those guys are pretty cool and some are, well, "new guys" that know everything. I wonder how we can move their traffic off of FaceSpace and into a forum?

Facebook annoys me, it's great for seeing what Grandma is up to but try and find something that happened a week ago and you'll never find it.

I'm not big on the Facebook groups. Everyone seems to end their posts with "LOL" or "Haha" even when it's a serious post. I can feel the insecurity pouring out of them. I like RME for most of the reasons already stated. I can get my questions answered most times with just searching here and not even posting. I'd love to meet up with more people on here, but I'm pretty rural and have little extra time it seems. But I hear cat videos make the interweb better, so maybe add some of those.

Totally agree guys, Facebook is NOT a forum or your personal, dedicated & subject-specific website!! It is quick & easy for people to integrate into their lives and I think that is where the traditional forums are taking the hit. It's easy to go back on RME 15 yrs ago and see who was active, building what and what trails were being ran. I love the history we've created here, some fun stuff to look back on! Facebook doesn't have that search-friendly history base to build on.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Vehicular limbo
Sucks, doesn't it. I've had the same feeling about RME land use projects that we've done the last few years. It's very disappointing to plan a huge event, planning on big numbers and having minimal turnout. I'm not sure what the answer is there, but would love to hear what we can do.

Start a thread. I'll participate.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
I feel like the majority of people definitely changed direction and the forum moved with it. I think you should be happy that the forum still caters to the majority and stayed relevant. Yeah, it bums me out that it seems like everyone moved from crawling to expedition wheeling and dirt bikes but I'm pretty sure I'm part of the minority on that.

RME is a quality place that I hope stays around forever because it has qualities that are irreplaceable. The other day when I had my Jeep stuck in the snow by my house a couple RME homies came to the rescue and we had a good time. I've met so many awesome people in the last 12 years that I doubt I would've met without RME.


Sandy, Ut
FYI, I called David at Utah Powdercoatings to look for that Constrictor sign that was dropped of years back for a powdercoating. He will stop by the shop later today or tomorrow and see if it is still kicking around.

Right on. I knocked all the concrete off the bottom and Olly took it to UPC, I've. Or heard anything since.
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Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Start a thread. I'll participate.

Sounds like we have some great direction and upcoming projects to work on!

I feel like the majority of people definitely changed direction and the forum moved with it. I think you should be happy that the forum still caters to the majority and stayed relevant. Yeah, it bums me out that it seems like everyone moved from crawling to expedition wheeling and dirt bikes but I'm pretty sure I'm part of the minority on that.

RME is a quality place that I hope stays around forever because it has qualities that are irreplaceable. The other day when I had my Jeep stuck in the snow by my house a couple RME homies came to the rescue and we had a good time. I've met so many awesome people in the last 12 years that I doubt I would've met without RME.

I'd disagree with you, I think there are still more rock crawlers vs expedition wheelers. The 'expo' guys just stand out more because you're not used to seeing them on here. There has been a shift in intersts, but I don't think it's been a massive change to something different. There are plenty of dirtbikers and that sub-forum is very active, but if you see who's posting most of them have some kind of 4x4, crawler or otherwise. The motorcycle thing getting popular is my fault, I've ridden moto's for longer than I could drive and integrating that into RME was nice for me and many other guys that already rode or wanted to ride came out of the wood-work.

I will say that for me, when it comes to rock crawling vs expeditioning ( :rofl: ), I personally got tired of seeing the same trails over & over, going out and breaking my junk and needing to repair it before the next trail run, etc. I want to explore new places, see different trails and camp in amazing, scenic areas. I need a vehicle that's freeway friendly, but still pretty capable offroad. Hardcore rock crawling still holds an interest for me, but I can't swing the expense.


somewhat damaged
A lot of the people that I used to "crawl" with (including close friends) have moved on from it. I feel like it was such a tight group who was willing to go out of their way to help each-other as well as others on the trail. Trail rides were always so positive and fun. Somewhere that changed. I've kept the crawler for a long time, but I admittedly haven't taken it out much. Mostly due to life, kids, work, etc. So the few times that I have gone out over the past 5 years it's been with groups that I'm not too familiar with. The thing that changed to me was the attitudes. I feel like it's turned into a 'hardcore' fashion show and trash talk fest.

I've seen groups just stand around and talk shit about new guys coming up a trail. Of course they might not have had all the right gear and sure, maybe they broke their driveline or u-joint on chewy hill... but we were all that person once. Hell, I remember having some of the best rides of my life end up like that. We had to improvise and find a way to limp the rig back out. THAT was a challenge.

Actually, now that I think about it... maybe a lot of the people haven't been the guy broken on the trail before because they went out and got a $45k rock bouncer on credit. I dunno. My point is: I spend a lot more time out on the trail by myself now days because I'm burned out with the attitudes. That and I suck at making friends. :)


Threat Level Midnight
My only real interest in "rock crawling" per se is watching drunk dudes roll down potato salad hill during easter jeep safari. I even hate wrenching on crap. If I never had to own any tools, that would be great. I only wrench cause I can't afford nice new stuff and then I can't afford to pay people to fix my old crappy stuff when it breaks :D

So, my interests don't always align with a lot of RME folk, but I love exploring the back country in my 80, and my XR400 is simply an extension of my itch to explore. I avoid crazy technical hills when I ride, no interest in the dunes, or blazing 80 mph across the desert. Single track mountain trails to find beautiful scenery (taken at a fun yet moderate pace) are more my scene.

But this forum is great, I visit and read way more than I post. There is a ton of great info here for me. For example, I just picked up an off-road trailer, and will be doing some mods to make it work better for me and my family. It has one of those lock n roll 3 axis hitches, and shakes like crazy on the freeway. I will be looking for the wisdom of the fab gurus here for some guidance.
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Well-Known Member
The best part about this forum is the people. I have made some of my best friends in life by connecting with and meeting the people on here. I wish I knew more of the old-timers. RME has a great thing going; something that's tough to come by on ANY forum these days.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
I feel like the majority of people definitely changed direction and the forum moved with it. I think you should be happy that the forum still caters to the majority and stayed relevant. Yeah, it bums me out that it seems like everyone moved from crawling to expedition wheeling and dirt bikes but I'm pretty sure I'm part of the minority on that.

RME is a quality place that I hope stays around forever because it has qualities that are irreplaceable. The other day when I had my Jeep stuck in the snow by my house a couple RME homies came to the rescue and we had a good time. I've met so many awesome people in the last 12 years that I doubt I would've met without RME.

Oh, that gives me a great idea for a game.

I call it "Save XJ Nate"
Once a month, Nate finds some random location to get nicely stuck, then hikes home to post up on RME. First responders will get the opportunity to meet, and razz XJ Nate.

That's my best idea I've had all day!

Pile of parts

Well-Known Member
South Jordan
The best part about this forum is the people. I have made some of my best friends in life by connecting with and meeting the people on here. I wish I knew more of the old-timers. RME has a great thing going; something that's tough to come by on ANY forum these days.

That's what I was trying to say. There's a good bunch of people on this forum and they're what's made it better...
Hard to come up with a single idea to improve RME but if the same caliber of people participate, be it dirt bikes, crawling, expedition, etc. , it will always be a good forum.
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Pile of parts

Well-Known Member
South Jordan
My point is: I spend a lot more time out on the trail by myself now days because I'm burned out with the attitudes. That and I suck at making friends. :)[/QUOTE said:
I don't know, I met you and your son a year or so ago out in BFE. You didn't seem like a bad guy. I'll be your friend. And, if you live in Kamas now, I'll have an escape when I'm visiting the in-laws in Oakley. :D (Actually, I like my wife's family but would be glad to make one more acquaintance for future wheeling trips)


somewhat damaged
An area of RME I'd like to see more content in is the Featured Rigs section. I would even be willing to help as a contributor. There are tons of neat rigs around and fabricators too. If that's something of interest, shoot me a PM and we could discuss it. I would love to sharpen my writing skills a bit.

This would be amazing!

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
I liked the Featured Rigs when they happened. It's fun to see some of the little differences people incorporate into their rigs. :cool:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I think in the early days, there was a sense of community to the forum because the rock crawling scene was young and there were only so many people out there doing it. Everyone was excited about it and seeing the progression of the different platforms into what they are today..piles of tube with expensive parts attached to them. That killed it for a lot of people, myself included, who don't have the budget to spring for that sort of vehicle and find themselves destroying their rigs trying to keep up. I think the middle tier guys dropped back into trail wheeling (some form of expedition wheeling, cue Kurt "whatever the **** that means") because they probably got into this thing to be able to explore further down the trail and further away from people.

That's my deal, I don't have the money for a rock crawler or the place to put it, but it's still in my blood and I'd LOVE to go thrash again. It's just prohibitively expensive for me. The other thing that killed it for me was the crowds, which are probably less now it seems. I wanted to get down trails that fewer people were on and explore, and as rock crawling became more popular, the crowds were just plain annoying. I grew tired of seeing drunken idiots throwing beer cans around and driving over trees, and instead of always getting fired up and into altercations on the trail, I just don't go out there.

I feel like I get out and do a lot of trails, and I don't post up invites for random people to come along. This is going to make me sound like an elitist prick, but I'm fairly selective about who I go out with because we've all ended up on a trail at some point with some asshat that makes you miserable, and I don't feel like spending my time off baby sitting someone over their head or trying to avoid someone's abrasive attitude (there is only room for one of those on the trail, and that's mine). I feel bad, because it was the inclusion that was the spirit of this forum originally that really got me hooked, and I wouldn't have half of my friends or any of the memories were it not for people like Greg and Shane and Kurt and Shawn and Marc Bryson and Brent Orton and Carl and Von and Bryson etc etc etc that let me tag along and learn from them....yet I don't do the same for others. I'm a dick.

Anyway, RME is awesome, and the friendships I've made as a direct result of this place have led to some of the most amazing experiences and memories...and it still contributes to them, just in a little different way.