How do I get rid of a rat?


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
I have been finishing my basement and I ran a wire into my garage through a small hole so I could add to the lighting under the mezzanine I built. Somehow a rat chewed a hole big enough to get into the basement I have found the poop and have baited the big rat traps and big sticky pads. I have tried bacon because everything loves bacon, peanut butter, apples, snickers, kit Kats and jerky treats because my dog goes nuts over them.

What is the secret?


Orem, Utah
Why are you wasting bacon, snickers, and kit kats on a rat?! Are you sure Harrison isn't sneaking down there and snatching all these treats up?


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Supporting Member
Put a tomato in there. That will poison anything that likes food.

Or, buy a cat.


Totally Awesome
Fill a 5 gallon bucket 1/4 way with water.

Drill two holes through the top of the bucket in line with each other.

Get an empty pop can, put a rod though it and then through the holes in the bucket you made.

Smear peanut butter on the can.

Make a small ramp up to the top of the bucket.

When the rat climbs up to the top of the bucket to eat the peanut butter it'll fall into the bucket and eventually die.

Kind of gruesome, but we used them when I worked in the oil field in Wyoming.



Tin Foil Hat Equipped
Place traps in places where the rats will travel, along edges of walls. You can create artificial funnels by placing boxes or boards that the rats will run along until they get to a trap. Angle the boards/boxes toward the wall at about a 45 degree angle to encourage the rats toward your trap. A couple 2x4's stacked on top of each other so they have a little height works well.

If that doesn't work my dad's lab used to eat rats when she caught them... You mentioned you have a dog... ;)


Well-Known Member
I'd stay away from poison with dogs in the house. I had some close calls with my dog when we tried to poison some mice.


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
just shoot them in the back of the head while they are on their knees like they do in chicago.... oh wait your talking about the animal type...

I used jiff smooth peanut butter on traps and was getting one a night... it works...


Well-Known Member
Try zip tieing a little piece of beef jerky to your trap. the old ones with the metal parts . the phony cheese ones suck. They cant resist and when they chew/tug at the jerky WHAM. Good night vermin.

Deleted member 12904

Fill a 5 gallon bucket 1/4 way with water.

Drill two holes through the top of the bucket in line with each other.

Get an empty pop can, put a rod though it and then through the holes in the bucket you made.

Smear peanut butter on the can.

Make a small ramp up to the top of the bucket.

When the rat climbs up to the top of the bucket to eat the peanut butter it'll fall into the bucket and eventually die.

Kind of gruesome, but we used them when I worked in the oil field in Wyoming.

View attachment 87886

Green water? Lol


We used to have big bushes around the front of our house. When we got rid of em' with a tractor a huge RAT popped out. Now he lives at the neighbors house who has overgrown bushes.
I like the green water idea but my wife thinks im mean .


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
The correct answer is to cut his throat and leave him in the middle of a public street so all the other bitch-a$$ snitches know what's coming...

... but I think you're talking about a rodent. Shoot. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
I am doing a little of what everyone is suggesting. Did the bucket tonight, its in the basement. I would add antifreeze but the puppy dog might like it. He already learned the hard way on the BIG rat trap. Seems he liked peanut butter too. He yelped pretty good. Gives me some ideas with the kids. Back on topic, I created a tunnel for him now and lined it with sticky pads. Set more big snap traps, put the smooth Jiff peanut butter on them. I have sat for the rat bastard holding my sons really cool fully auto plastic bb gun. The rat was a now show to the party and my attention span is the second shortest this I have and I got bored. I did however put some nice holes in the insulation from 50 feet away.

What I wished I knew how to do was to set up some sort of a motion detector that would fire above mentioned gun at it when it walked by. That would be really cool and we could video it with the go pro. I have asked around the neighborhood for a loaner cat. I think I may have one lined up. My SIL saw it in the garage tonight and said it was big. He chased it with a bat but it went into a corner behind a box so he moved the box and sure enough, another damn hole he has made. That is where I set the tunnel up at.

This thing may end up getting me to burn my house down. City and suburb rats I think are smarter than country and oil rig rats. We had rats in Thailand that we would play broom hockey with, why cant they be that stupid and come out in plain site during the day?

Thanks for all the advice, I will eventually get this rat bastard.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I shot a rat 22 times with a real pellet gun a few years back. The sucker was FULL of holes and still kept going. That plastic bob gun wouldn't even fase it


Orem, Utah
We had some mice a few years ago. We put out 2 sticky traps under a bookshelf. We have a little Yorkie (2.5 lb'er) and she found the trap. She obviously got stuck to it. When she tried to walk away with her 2 good legs she tripped and fell into the other one. She was stuck for an hour or 2 while we were gone. In the end we had a shaved Yorkie. We've been careful with those since. It sure was hilarious though.