How to sell a rig to an out-of-state buyer?


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
I know utah doesn't require it but most other states do. It's an easy process just have him fax you a bill if sale from the Ohio DMV then you fill it out, notarize it, and mail it back


Well-Known Member
I'm also a little worried that he may try to find a loophole and try to get his money back after finding something he doesn't like about the truck. I've been 100% honest with him, but that possibility is there. I suppose with a wire transfer, once I have the money there's no way he can try to screw me out of the money. Does that sound right? He's buying it sight-unseen, as is. I just want to make sure I'm protected.

It's starting to be enough of a hassle that it may not be worth selling out of state.


Pretend Fabricator
I sold my JK to a guy in kentucky, He mailed me a check and I took it to the bank and waited 5 days for them to verify it. Once the bank told me we were good I loaded the Jeep up and met him halfway just inside kansas........ It was a smooth transaction. I was nervous especially since I competed at OSRC the day we left to go meet him...... I decided to meet him half way just so he could voice any concerns he had before he took delivery of it
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Starting Another Thread
Sunny Arizona
Selling out of state is a breeze. Buyer sends cashier check, seller sends title. Vehicle doesn't ship until check clears. I've sold several high end vehicles this way.


Jeepless in Draper
Supporting Member
Draper, UT

I sold a boat to a guy from SoCal when I lived in central Texas. I agonized over that one as well. Cashiers checks can be faked (my brother got burned by that one). Final result was he flew to Austin, one-way, we went to a branch of his bank and I watched them cut the check, he rented a U-Haul truck and towed the boat back to SoCal.


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
I bought my Jeep from Connecticut. Had my bank cut a certified check (the same way you buy a vehicle with a loan) and had them mail half to him + shipping and he got the other when the Jeep arrived on the shipping truck with the title. Super easy.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate it Brandon. I have paypal, but he would be able to dispute the sale and possibly get his money back (and make me pay to ship the truck back to me).

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
I sold my Jeep to a guy in MO. He sent deposit via paypal and showed up with a cashiers check for the rest. I wrote up a bill of sale, we both sighed and we parted ways. It was pretty smooth.

BLM... lolz.


Boise, Idaho
Is there something special about the Tacoma that would appeal to a collector or enthusiast? Those types of buyers are usually very good to deal with, and I wouldn't worry too much about getting shafted.

If the buyer is just looking to get a good deal on a run-of-the-mill vehicle or is a young kid making an impulse buy, he will probably never come up with the money, and I would not deal with him.

I have also found that a lot of out-of-state buyers will eventually say the shipping is too much and want you to pick up the shipping. It is their plan all along.

Why not drop the price by $1K and sell it locally; or, ask for full payment via PayPal (just don't let him use a card and charge you the 3% fee); otherwise, BCGPER gives the best advice IMHO.


Well-Known Member
He's been awesome to work with. He's willing to send any payment form I want. so I'm not worried. I'll do a wire transfer, then send it off to the shipping co with the title. He's taking a big risk, which makes it really safe for me.


But stuck more often.
I think you have it easy. I'm in the middle of selling a rig to a guy in India of all places. He doesn't speak English so we just email. He wants me to take care of all the shipping, which has been a nightmare to figure out but we are about done. On the bright side he is paying me about $250,000 more then the jeep is worth. I mean how could I say no to that?


Well-Known Member
Payson, AZ
I bought my 4runner in Ohio. I flew out and drove it home. I just sold a motorcycle to a guy in Wyoming. He paid with paypal, I withdrew the money and then his sister (who happened to be in town for the weekend) picked it up. All via text message. Pretty seamless.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I want to be cautious. I've been burned before trusting strangers I've meet online. I would hate to lose the rig and the money, that would really suck. Lots of people have been scammed this way and I want to make sure I'm protecting the money I've worked hard for.
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Well-Known Member
I sold my TJ to a guy in Idaho, he wired me the money and then came down and picked it up. I wouldn't stress over a cashiers check, you can call and verify funds ahead of shipping. I also sold one of my bikes to a guy in Colorado (actually, I guess I sold two bikes to guys in Colorado :D). Both times I just gave them a signed bill of sale...after that it's their problem to get it registered in their states.


Registered User
Arm Utah
I sold out of the country with a wire transfer. I've sold cross country with both a wire transfer and a certified check but didn't ship until after the funds cleared. The wire transfer is the safest and there's no question on the funds.