I hate Classifieds Lowballers...

my mom was wanting to get rid of her rooster. Here's the conversation.

buyer: do you still have your hen?

mom: no, it's a rooster, but yes I still have it.

buyer: good, my father is retiring and he really wants a hen

mom: it's a rooster, not a hen

buyer: close enough. how big is it?

mom: there's a picture in the ad. It's 3 months old

buyer: [after a handful of stupid, pointless, prank questions, asks] has it been neutered?

mom: I don't have time for this.

buyer: time for what? I want to know if he's been neutered.

mom: ignores him

one week later: Suck it lady, I found a better rooster anyway.

Maybe it's just because it's my mom, but any stranger telling someone to suck it should have his testicles removed.
My wife went swimming with her Iphone 5s. I was going to trash it when someone told me you can sell them even dead from water damage. So I listed it on KSL for $200 which is the lowest price I could find the same phone on Ebay for. I should have thrown it away.

My add, Iphone 5S dropped in water and wont turn on. $200.

Buyer, do you still have iphone s5.
Me. Yes.
Buyer, is anything wrong with it.
Me, Other than not powering on, no.
Buyer, you will take less?
Me, no
Buyer, $160 for your phone you will have?
Me, $200 shall I have or my phone will I keep.
Buyer, OK, I will meet you tonight at 6:30. What address is your house.
Me, so you want to meet tonight and give me $200 for the phone.
Buyer, no, $160.
Me, $160 is 80% of the price I told you. So if you show up with $160, I'll give you 80% of the phone.
Buyer, OK.

We meet at a parking lot, not my house. He has $160. I tell him no. He goes in and gets $20 more. I settle.

Two weeks later he texts me that he needs my Itunes password. And the text stupidity resumes.

Did I mention I should have thrown it away?
My wife wanted me to list a old kitchen light we had for 10 dollars on ksl. I said I listed it and just threw it away and gave her 10 dollars. So worth it
My wife wanted me to list a old kitchen light we had for 10 dollars on ksl. I said I listed it and just threw it away and gave her 10 dollars. So worth it

That is me and garage sales. Every time Candace suggests a garage sale thus occupying a precious Saturday, I offer here a $100 and I'll drop the stuff off at the DI.
Oh my mother freaking good golly son of a goat loving monkey brain!!!

I don't understand people.

that's all.
Mine today went like this. (KSL)

Her: you still got the bed for sale
Me: yup
Her: you firm on price?
Me: I'm a little flexible
Her: you have it listed at 2300 correct?
Me: yeah
Her: would you take two hundred?
Me: for a 2300.00 dollar bed?
Her: ya that's a reasonable offer.
Me: ok I'll sell you half the bed frame for 200
Her: what about the rest of the frame and box springs and mattress.
Me: that'll be 2k
Her: well that's just bull shit :click:

That's the third call in 2 months like that. It's getting old
Currently selling a guitar on KSL. The ad explicitly states "cash only - no trades". So of course, the first txt I receive this morning is someone wanting to trade a speaker cabinet for it.
got a link to the ad? I like guitars and I have students who are always in the market. However, they can only trade broken guitar strings. ;)
I have some stuff on ebay and I let it do the make an offer option. I priced my buy it now 20 dollars less the the cheapest option. I got a 25 percent price offer, which I just declined, no counter no nothing. A week goes buy he ups it 5 bucks to 35 dollars. So I countered back with one dollar less then my buy it now. Funny I didn't get an offer back
I'm in the middle of a weird one. I'm the prospective buyer. The seller (whom will only text) told me a couple times he doesn't like "dickering." So, I say, "That's fine, what are you asking?" To which he replies, "Make me an offer."

No joke. I'm speechless.

Jeez at least some of you guys are getting cash offers. I typically get the "will you trade for" with some random shit after. My two favorite have been: blind in one eye blue nose pit bull. That was for a set of built 03 cobra heads w/cams. And then any tat at any location of my choosing. Or several tats depending on size. But the person was fairly new with doing tats so it would be great learning help for him..... Needless to say I still have no dog and virgin skin lol.
sounds like a package deal, bad tattoo's and a one eyed badass pitbull. How could you go wrong?