I hate Classifieds Lowballers...

I have a KX85 listed on KSL. I listed it at $1600. There isn't one running and complete KX85 on KSL for less than $1500.

So far this week I was offered trade of a Coleman RT200 which is a $600 new tote goat. Then I had a cash offer of $1k. I told the cash offer I'd take it and gave him the address for Wise Guys comedy club in West Valley. Waited until 10 minutes after he said he'd left and told him to google that address.
I don't understand why people think you would give them $500 or $1000 for nothing. Do people really fall do that? I have friends and family I'd give things to before some ass hat on KSL.
Do people really fall do that?
Yes. Either they're unsure of their price and assuming the guy is making a reasonable offer, or they're sick of the bullshit and ready to take the next offer that comes along. These clowns work in bulk, they make hundreds of those no-effort lowball offers a week and if they get one or two takers a month it's worth it to them.
Yes. Either they're unsure of their price and assuming the guy is making a reasonable offer, or they're sick of the bullshit and ready to take the next offer that comes along. These clowns work in bulk, they make hundreds of those no-effort lowball offers a week and if they get one or two takers a month it's worth it to them.
I have the cat's ass picture and now the Wise Guys address both at the ready. I'm loaded for bear now.
By Check it out I assuming most people mean "If its as described, Ill buy it". I guess I should of phrased it "May I come blindly purchase your cover that previously was missing pieces and you dont have any photos of the actual item."
