I voted

I am actually scared about what then next 4 years will bring. I wonder how the wheelin is in New Zealand?
my wife is all freaked out and supper worried about the next 4 years. I told her we could move to canada and buy 100 acres and get away from everything
my wife is all freaked out and supper worried about the next 4 years. I told her we could move to canada and buy 100 acres and get away from everything

Canada is a socialist country.

I have zero patience for Iran is no big deal, open border, democrat-assisting libertarians.

Really? Good thing my vote for Gary Johnson had a HUGE impact here in Utah. It's called electoral votes. :rolleyes: You don't even know what you're talking about... regurgitating propaganda garbage like that.
Big government and a strong social agenda won over smart business sense and a better economy. The media and Hollywood are ecstatic.
well then I wont go there, I don't follow politics very well, maybe we can move to the artic, shouldn't be to much gov't there

As hard as this may be to accept for many of us, the US is still the best country to live in for the lifestyle that most of us choose. I'm not happy with the results of the national elections from last night, but the fact of the matter is that America is still the most free country in the world. Eight years of failed policies (like we are looking at) is going to hurt, and probably drag this country down like no other administration in our history, but its still better than Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Western Europe. All of which are fine places, but none of them hold a candle to the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy, and will continue to enjoy, in the US. We have some dark days ahead, but we will get through them as we always have.

If you want things to get better, start paying attention to politics. The only thing that will change this country is if we have a more informed electorate.
I have decided That maybe in fact we are the minority..and that our country does want these socialistic policies.
As hard as this may be to accept for many of us, the US is still the best country to live in for the lifestyle that most of us choose. I'm not happy with the results of the national elections from last night, but the fact of the matter is that America is still the most free country in the world. Eight years of failed policies (like we are looking at) is going to hurt, and probably drag this country down like no other administration in our history, but its still better than Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Western Europe. All of which are fine places, but none of them hold a candle to the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy, and will continue to enjoy, in the US. We have some dark days ahead, but we will get through them as we always have.

If you want things to get better, start paying attention to politics. The only thing that will change this country is if we have a more informed electorate.

Well said. I appreciate the positive outlook on this, I need to be more positive.
I have decided That maybe in fact we are the minority..and that our country does want these socialistic policies.
to many government programs and handouts have ruined to many people, now they are lazy and don't have much of a work ethic and want the government to take care of them.

I agree that the US is one of the best places to live, its crazy to hear about all the different economies around the world in my economy class and to hear about their governments and how they are all ran or hear how bad a lot of them have it with how crappy their economies are now .
Thought this was pretty funny coming from a guy on facebook that had to have about 30 negative posts a day about Mitt Romney.

"I really don't care if you do or do not like the president, but really, do you have nothing better to do then to sit there and make up shit about him. For those of you that say your christian, it says in the Bible that you are not to pass judgment. That is not your job. Leave that to God. If you love your country then figure out what you can do to help in her recovering. It's not up to one man to fix everything. Instead of bitching and fighting against everything he does (which does nothing but cost this country more money) then let's respect the office and do our part."
As hard as this may be to accept for many of us, the US is still the best country to live in for the lifestyle that most of us choose. I'm not happy with the results of the national elections from last night, but the fact of the matter is that America is still the most free country in the world. Eight years of failed policies (like we are looking at) is going to hurt, and probably drag this country down like no other administration in our history, but its still better than Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Western Europe. All of which are fine places, but none of them hold a candle to the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy, and will continue to enjoy, in the US. We have some dark days ahead, but we will get through them as we always have.

If you want things to get better, start paying attention to politics. The only thing that will change this country is if we have a more informed electorate.

I agree, in 1944 when Roosevelt beat Dewey my family was Dem and mom worked at the polling place and I was with her. It would be the fourth term for Roosevelt and the Rep's were very opposed. A woman there started crying and said the country was doomed under Roosevelt. Well here we are 68 years latter, bloody but still going. We as a nation are less spirtual, less moral, have less freedom, and have turned ourselves over to a King, Government. It is my hope that as much as the Constitution has been basterdized it will survive. We place our future in the hands of those we elect and if we will hold them responsible the country can be turned around.
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to many government programs and handouts have ruined to many people, now they are lazy and don't have much of a work ethic and want the government to take care of them.

agreed. The more people that rely on the government, the more people will keep voting for socialistic policies. All they need to do is increase the number of people who depend on the gov't, and they'll win everytime. Why would someone on welfare vote for a candidate that wants to do away with welfare?

THe poorer people get, the more they'll have to rely on the government. So when we all lost our retirement, savings, etc, the socialists win because more people will turn to the Gov't for help. Seems like a tough cycle to get out of.
to many government programs and handouts have ruined to many people, now they are lazy and don't have much of a work ethic and want the government to take care of them.

I've been saying for years that it's hard to compete with free shit.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the Public Treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy always followed by dictatorship.”
Alexander Fraser Tyler, “The Decline and Fall of the Athenian Republic”

hang on and buckle up, I think we've hit the tipping point...