I'll just leave this here (Florida)

There is a series on Netflix called Mindhunters that documents the search for Ted Kazynski. It talks about the fact that he was used in some of the MK Ultra testing at Harvard.
I didn't mean to imply that I disputed the actuality of the MK ultra project, it is a well documented reality

I don't think this POS was anything more that a waste of skin and the best part of him ended up as a cum stain in his mothers panties. He was no Jason Borne, just a really fawked up individual

For me it's easier to see that the governments desire for control is so unrestrained that they continue to allow these targeted incidents to occur as a means to shape public opinion.

You all know there is an easy fix to these school incidents right? What state hasn't had a modern school shooting? I'll give you a hint, they allow teachers to concealed carry

The simple truth is the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun so the real problem here is a shortage of guns

So the FBI was called more than once, the local police were there what is it now, 39 times, and now this and people still don't realize something else is going on with this kid, with the majority of these shooters. There is a reason it was all ignored. And there is a reason that the media is still focused on the gun and not on the absolute failings of the FBI, local police, and behavioral health.
Wait, I'm lost again. What's the assertion here, that this David Hogg kid who claims to have been a survivor of the last shooting is actually a paid shill who graduated high school in California in 2015? And it's a twitter account named Laguna Beach Antifa making the assertion? With #gunreform and #neveragain tags?

I'm fawkin' confused.
We are being lied to. Always remember that.

I posted that earlier but did some digging and decided to delete it. That user is trolling everybody who is looking into this kid. Somebody in his thread posted a video of the actual yearbook an it's a 2017 Florida HS. He even changed his location to "Russia" for whatever reason. Probably thinking he's clever.
Wait, I'm lost again. What's the assertion here, that this David Hogg kid who claims to have been a survivor of the last shooting is actually a paid shill who graduated high school in California in 2015? And it's a twitter account named Laguna Beach Antifa making the assertion? With #gunreform and #neveragain tags?

I'm fawkin' confused.

That antifa asswipe user is trolling everybody, however I'm pretty sure the Hogg kid is full of shit (his dad is ex FBI too). They are using him as a tool.
Can you imagine if your child was one of the latter ones killed and this POS could have intervened and kept your kid alive? I can't imagine the rage that they must be feeling. The police dept will be sued, he will probably be prosecuted. Can you imagine living with the knowledge you could have done something and didn't? It would haunt most of us.
How much do we have to learn before people realize that something bigger is happening with this kid, with all these shooters. Everyone ignores the warnings, puts aside protocol, refuses to investigate, and now we learn the the officer simply allows this kid to walk in the building and shoot up the place. I won't be surprised when this kid mysteriously hangs himself in his cell before trial.
How much do we have to learn before people realize that something bigger is happening with this kid, with all these shooters. Everyone ignores the warnings, puts aside protocol, refuses to investigate, and now we learn the the officer simply allows this kid to walk in the building and shoot up the place. I won't be surprised when this kid mysteriously hangs himself in his cell before trial.

It takes a while. People can't be told what is really happening with this kind of stuff, they have to come to that conclusion on their own. But once you see it, you can't unsee it, and are forever after a "crazy". :D
Imagine how differently this might have turned out if the coach, a gun owner, that used his body to shield students from the shooter had been carrying that day.

This stuff scares the crap out of me, my wife is a HS teacher. I have convinced her that it's better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. I hope CO gets smart and allows teachers to carry with the proper training.
So this 6’5” police veteran, who pulls 101k of taxpayer funds annually and who likely had an AR-15 of his own in his cruiser decided to cower outside for a half hour while coaches and other school staff ran TOWARDS the threat to save the lives of students.
SCOTUS got this one all wrong. They do have a duty to protect and serve and sometimes that means putting your life on the line, that’s what you’re getting paid for. I hope he loses his pension and ends up homeless.
