I'll just leave this here (Florida)

Says Sundance in conclusion, "I will give testimony, provide names, outline dates, and give all prior records to any lawyer for use in a wrongful death lawsuit – so long as their intent would be to financially ruin the entire system and personally bankrupt the participants."
This guy seems annoying but makes some very valid points. The AG's statements on TV are VERY interesting.

At a bare minimum the Sherif's office is corrupt and inept, that's readily apparent with no tinfoil needed.

The reports of active shooter drills, a shooter with riot/tac gear on, multiple shooters, etc all have me reaching for my tinfoil hat.

These schools have TONs of cameras. Depending upon it's size and the sophistication of it's system a High School will have 25-100 cameras running 24/7/365. All of the cameras in Canyons School District went to digital HD cameras and the coverage is pretty extensive. If an underfunded small district in Utah has done that, I'd have to think that most districts across the nation have done the same.

Where is the footage? Shoot, casinos have hundreds of cameras and we still have zero footage from the LV shooting. Sorry, but if footage isn't released I'm going to keep the tinfoil on.
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