I'm an Apple Whore


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An iPad. When you NEED to browse the internet while watching TV and want to feel especially hip in doing so. Coffee shop and fixy bike not included.


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Sunny Arizona
If he had to give up hating and beer, then he would cease to exist. As long as there's beer involved, I'm sure he'll be around. The hating is just a bonus.. :)


We have an iMac which serves all our heavy computing needs...



Well-Known Member
Does it have a Hulu app or anything like it? I was seriously looking at the upcoming HP Slate, but HP axed that yesterday. A tablet would be awesome for some fun games and internet surfing, but if I wanted to pull up nbc.com and watch the previous night's shows, can it do that?
I know abc.com and I'm pretty sure nbc.com as well have specially designed sites for the iPad. You can stream all their shows right from the site. It works extremely well. I'm personally glad they don't support flash. HTML5 is the future and those companies that are still relying solely on flash are going to be left behind. Even adobe isn't making many advancements with flash anymore.

I plan to pick up an iPad with the 3G. I usually drag one of my macbook pros along on vacations, but when you are traveling internationally, it's a PITA. Having this small lightweight device will be tons nicer. It will do what I need it to do (download pictures from my camera, watch movies on flights, etc) and it will also save me the worry of loosing a macbook pro.


Well-Known Member
Also, as for Apple being late to the tablet party...First off, Apple has never claimed to be the first to the party. They are taking an idea and going a different direction with it. Also, Apple has never claimed that it's a tablet. You can compare it to anything you want, but right now there's nothing that compares to it in size, weight, and cost. Most tablets start at $1200+ and can get extremely expensive very quickly.


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If he had to give up hating and beer, then he would cease to exist. As long as there's beer involved, I'm sure he'll be around. The hating is just a bonus.. :)

As long as there are so many good beers and so many stupid things in this world, I think I will always have a place. :D


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I played around with one at the Apple store today. It really is just a big Ipod touch. For surfing the web on the couch, it seems close to ideal. It really really (really) needs multitasking capabilities. I assume the Ipad will get this when the Ipod Touch and the Iphone get it this summer. I found typing to be a two-finger affair, but pretty much as fast and accurate as you could expect. I was even able to type decently while standing up and holding it with one hand.

I would be a bit scared to travel with it. The screen seems terribly exposed and breakable. For watching movies, I'd think you would need to take some sort of stand with you to prop the thing up. Holding it for two hours while a movie plays would bring the suck. From a practicality standpoint, I think a netbook may make more sense for traveling.

For half the price (or less) a netbook will give you a larger screen, a more functional keyboard, many times more storage space, and (arguably) a more functional form-factor, and be (arguably) more durable.

It is slick and fancy and I want one, but it's not the most practical device ever.

$500 for a 16-gig device?


Well-Known Member
I played around with one at the Apple store today. It really is just a big Ipod touch. For surfing the web on the couch, it seems close to ideal. It really really (really) needs multitasking capabilities. I assume the Ipad will get this when the Ipod Touch and the Iphone get it this summer. I found typing to be a two-finger affair, but pretty much as fast and accurate as you could expect. I was even able to type decently while standing up and holding it with one hand.

I would be a bit scared to travel with it. The screen seems terribly exposed and breakable. For watching movies, I'd think you would need to take some sort of stand with you to prop the thing up. Holding it for two hours while a movie plays would bring the suck. From a practicality standpoint, I think a netbook may make more sense for traveling.

For half the price (or less) a netbook will give you a larger screen, a more functional keyboard, many times more storage space, and (arguably) a more functional form-factor, and be (arguably) more durable.

It is slick and fancy and I want one, but it's not the most practical device ever.

$500 for a 16-gig device?
Funny you would compare it to a netbook, a guy I work with picked up a netbook from vzw for ~$200-$300. He then got the iPad a few days later. He couldn't stand the netbook and loved the iPad. He ended up returning the netbook and sticking with the iPad. Mind you this was after he had been touting how get his netbook was and that he no longer had to carry around his myfi like the rest of us had to because his netbook had it built-in. :rofl:

I'm not quite sure what people expect the iPad to be??? It IS a big iPod tough right now. However, using a 10" iPod toch is much nicer than using a little 3.5"...also much more usable. I'm not too worried about the screen. I used to have the same fear with my iPhone, but after ~3 years with an iphone and not once have I had any scratches, chips, cracks, etc on any of my screens I've gotten over that fear.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I got the same netbook for $29. :D

What else can I compare it to? It's clearly not comparable to a full-size laptop. I can't compare it to a desktop. It's a limited functionality, highly-portable, small-screen device. A netbook seems like a natural comparison. :confused:


Well-Known Member
I got the same netbook for $29. :D

What else can I compare it to? It's clearly not comparable to a full-size laptop. I can't compare it to a desktop. It's a limited functionality, highly-portable, small-screen device. A netbook seems like a natural comparison. :confused:
Why compare it to anything? It fills a completely different market than just about anything out there. If you had to I would have to say it's closest to a tablet pc...but that's just me :p