I'm Close!!!!!!


James K said:
the fact that you bring this up. leads me to believe this is something you have experienced :rofl: :rofl:

I heard an interview with Dennis Rodman about his sexual exploits, and his overall bizarre behavior. He made the statement that people who call him a freak, or say he is disgusting, are closet perverts because in order to say it is gross you must have at least thought about it!


Queen of Chit!!
Chit-Chat, Duh!!
Herzog said:
What is the nature of jets emanating from (AGNs) and Galactic black holes and how are the particles in the jets accelerated? How are these structures connected with similar structures seen at smaller scales?
Black Holes Rock!!
The Jets are actually little pink fairies that spin around really really fast so that no one but Venus(The God of Black Holes) will ever know of their existance. If humanity got hold of even one, the earth would explode into a quatrobazanillion little bits and become it's own galactic black hole. That also explains the similar yet smaller sructures.

Herzog said:
And how do rotation-powered pulsars generate high-energy gamma-rays and what is the relation of this radiation to emission in lower energy bands? :confused:
The rotation-powered pulsars are the blue fairies. Blue fairies are male so they have a lot of gas. The high-energy gamma-rays are generated by the fairies releasing built up pressure into the universe. The lower energy band is the blue fairy acadamy where the youngin's learn to blow.

FYI:Although the blue fairies do serve their purpose in the galaxy, they will never have the power to creat a black hole.


britney said:
Black Holes Rock!!
The Jets are actually little pink fairies that spin around really really fast so that no one but Venus(The God of Black Holes) will ever know of their existance.

I wouldn't have thought Venus was the god of black holes, I thought it was Uranus. :confused:


Queen of Chit!!
Chit-Chat, Duh!!
This is what I read........
Ohms said:
I am having issues with....... blah blah.......8 inches of verticle spread......... blah blah blah..........horizontal spread ...blah blah blah....... rear mounts really seem to be off .........blah blah blah........anti-squat........blah blah blah........... when mounting......blah blah blah......should we just start over??????????????? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

C'mon let's hear it.....
Sounds like you need a good lubrication, and maybe you should change your batteries. Starting over is never an option, you work with what you've got.
You just need to have a little faith in yourself and your abilities. I know that trying new things can be a little intimidationg but you should be fine. :D :p


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
britney said:
This is what I read........

Sounds like you need a good lubrication, and maybe you should change your batteries. Starting over is never an option, you work with what you've got.
You just need to have a little faith in yourself and your abilities. I know that trying new things can be a little intimidationg but you should be fine. :D :p
Had to read that a couple times... :freak:


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
:hickey: I used to have real close to 10K posts, then Demon/POPO/Peel got obliterated, along with all of his threads and all posts in them. I must have really hated that guy. I think I lost 200-250 posts. It's all good. I'll get more...


somewhat damaged
britney said:
Black Holes Rock!!
The Jets are actually little pink fairies that spin around really really fast so that no one but Venus(The God of Black Holes) will ever know of their existance. If humanity got hold of even one, the earth would explode into a quatrobazanillion little bits and become it's own galactic black hole. That also explains the similar yet smaller sructures.

The rotation-powered pulsars are the blue fairies. Blue fairies are male so they have a lot of gas. The high-energy gamma-rays are generated by the fairies releasing built up pressure into the universe. The lower energy band is the blue fairy acadamy where the youngin's learn to blow.

FYI:Although the blue fairies do serve their purpose in the galaxy, they will never have the power to creat a black hole.


Damn you're good. :D