Jealous UHP trooper = ticket 4 me

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Formerly WJ ZUK
yeah im a dipshit for saying that..... shouldn't they stay n the highway?? i have a officer friend that works for orem city and it pisses him off when he drives down a road and sees flashing lights in a residential area and comes to find out its uhp... not on a state road or highway... but thanks for pointing that out!

I think it's great that, that you go through the trouble to not pay a 50 fine to avoid a warrant. But the cop is the one that has a problem. :rolleyes:


no user title
As I was driving home this evening I passed a cop. The bastard didn't pull me over to thank me for driving the speed limit, having my lights on, having current registration, or even having a current drivers license.

The nerve.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
As I was driving home this evening I passed a cop. The bastard didn't pull me over to thank me for driving the speed limit, having my lights on, having current registration, or even having a current drivers license.

The nerve.
Two of them drove right by me while I was driving under the speed limit on Bangerter this evening. Not even a waive! :mad2:
I think it's great that, that you go through the trouble to not pay a 50 fine to avoid a warrant. But the cop is the one that has a problem. :rolleyes:

i didn't avoid the ticket, it was a misunderstanding. i thought it was taken care of one month i missed a payment. the actual fine was 1500 bucks i paid all but 50 bucks. as soon as the took me to Utah county i got it taken care of. not all uhp officer suck. just the ones that take the law into their own hands because they hate the world, because of something that happened to them when they was little..

you can call me names all you want, dint you think thats a little Jr. high schoolish?


Well-Known Member
Green River
not all uhp officer suck. just the ones that take the law into their own hands because they hate the world, because of something that happened to them when they was little..

:rofl: That comment made my morning. :shawn:

Now I can't Carlos Mencia's dee dee dee song out of my head.
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Active Member
Sandy, UT
Man, tough crowd around here lately :D

Your not wrong on that one Crusier.

I'd hate to see the reaction of many in here if one gets busted for a felony or something like that. It'd be off with thier head!

Looks like the RME boys need to spend less time on this forum, and more time with the wife at night! :D


formerly "rckcrlr"
Looks like the RME boys need to spend less time on this forum, and more time with the wife at night! :D

Nope just have a low tolerance for people breaking laws knowingly and then whining about it.
It is ALL about personal responsibility!!!! It is NOT the officers fault you boke the law....
I deal with it daily. If people took responsibility for their actions, I would be out of a job.
If you commit a felony, you DESERVE the punishment!!


Well-Known Member
Green River
Your not wrong on that one Crusier.

I'd hate to see the reaction of many in here if one gets busted for a felony or something like that. It'd be off with thier head!

Looks like the RME boys need to spend less time on this forum, and more time with the wife at night! :D

Lets all go wheelin! :D


Active Member
Sandy, UT

Fair enough...I get the personal responsiblity and complaince thing, thats all fine and good, i agree with it.

Just don't understand all the pent up agression and overzealousness to hammer on the guy. He was obviously just blowing off some steam, as I suspect even he knew he was wrong. But then again, guess everyone else was just blowing off steam too with the barrage of responses.

Hence my aforementioned spend more time with the wife comment still stands. I would also add the corollary to spend more time at the gym. Does wonders for that sort of thing as well. :)


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
. just the ones that take the law into their own hands because they hate the world, because of something that happened to them when they was little..

thanks for the phsychoanalysis Freud.

I just think it's funny that some people have no sense of accountability anymore. It's always someone else's fault. I'm sure if he slipped and fell on his ass on some ice in front of Walmart he'd be looking for a big payday...........

....and a cop to thank him for not shoplifting ;)
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Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
I get pulled over all the time in my bug for mods I know are illegal but I choose to keep because I'm young dumb and have a little disposable income. I don't ever ***** about getting pulled over for illegal tint, tailights, plate covers etc. because I CHOOSE TO HAVE THEM THAT WAY. I have never been pulled over in either of my Jeeps but when I do I will have no problem just dealing with the damn tickets for any of the mods I CHOOSE to have that may be against the law. Granted I don't feel any of the mods I have made endanger the public if they did I wouldn't have. Suck it up man and just pay your damn ticket and move on. The thing about a fix it ticket is once you get them cleared you can put your mods back on to get pulled over another day, it's a beautiful thing.


Your not wrong on that one Crusier.

I'd hate to see the reaction of many in here if one gets busted for a felony or something like that. It'd be off with thier head!

Looks like the RME boys need to spend less time on this forum, and more time with the wife at night! :D

I've got a couple misdemeanors.........does that count? :cool:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I went to jail once. It sucked. But I learned my lesson about being an arrogant asshole to cops. Now I restrict that behavior to people without badges.
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