Jealous UHP trooper = ticket 4 me

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Formerly "Beerman"
Well, I didnt read every post cuz I am totally ADHD on Thursdays. :rofl: Do what I did if you know anyone in WY. Get it registered there. My rig was no where near legal, and I got pulled over all the time. Never got a ticket as soon as they saw a WY registration.

If not, then good luck.


Formerly Beardy McGee
I want to say you still have to be legal for the state you are in at the time.. Maybe not?


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Supporting Member
I think that is right. You're supposed to educate yourselves about the motor vehicle laws in the states you cross, but I see lots of leniency since nobody really thinks that is practical.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Well, I didnt read every post cuz I am totally ADHD on Thursdays. :rofl: Do what I did if you know anyone in WY. Get it registered there. My rig was no where near legal, and I got pulled over all the time. Never got a ticket as soon as they saw a WY registration.

If not, then good luck.

That's a pretty hefty fine (military excepted; students are barely allowed and only under conditions) if they can prove residence in Utah.

Mead, WA
That's a pretty hefty fine (military excepted; students are barely allowed and only under conditions) if they can prove residence in Utah.

Yup... And it's pretty easy, especially if you have a UT DL!

I moved from CA to WA and then back to CA after roughly a year. Shortly after being back (~2 weeks), I was pulled over with WA plates. I still had my CA and a WA DL. Come to find out WA didn't cancel it. When I went into the DMV to get my CA license, they said I still had a valid one. Explained my situation, and they just gave me a replacement - address and everything was the same as before, as I was moving back into the same house after kicking tennants out. Anyway, the HP put me through he!! making me prove I was an actual WA resident - I had to show pay stubs, mortgage papers, etc. The entire time they were very rude and accusitive (sp?). I ended up getting out of the out of state license ticket, but it was pure he!! doing so!


no user title
Nope just have a low tolerance for people breaking laws knowingly and then whining about it.
It is ALL about personal responsibility!!!! It is NOT the officers fault you boke the law....
I deal with it daily. If people took responsibility for their actions, I would be out of a job.
If you commit a felony, you DESERVE the punishment!!

SHUT UP MILNER. You trying to get us both fired?

wow lol

it was fun i like to get the forum all heated up... I'm glad we have a law enforcement yes they do put their lifes out on the line everyday to protect people. i do have uncles and cousins and friends that are in law enforcement so i dont really have anything against them. it was nice to get a good belly laugh out this! I'm glad this forum can take a joke, unlike other forums that have a tissy fit cause you said something wrong. i have been a member of this forum for quite some time now and well i am not the most active on here, i will add more posts i just dint think i should sky-rocket my post count up. i like to come read things and stuff on here.. thank you guys for keeping me entertained! you all rock!
maybe i might come wheeling with you guys someday. thats if my p.o.s. can make it anywhere! lol
p.s. sorry that my spelling sucks its not me its my keyboard.


Formerly Beardy McGee
p.s. sorry that my spelling sucks its not me its my keyboard.



Moab...It calls to me
North Salt Lake
wow, where to begin...

First, have any of you heard of a little thing called "sarcasm:rolleyes:"? Or how about its big brother "tongue in cheek"? I thought if a person was computer savvy enough to get to this board, they might also be schooled in the literary arts. My bad.

Since many of you have chosen to be both the judge and jury, as well as a few people throwing rocks from their glass houses, not to mention those of you with the tar and feathers, I feel it my duty to respond accordingly to all of you who are calling the kettle black. So here we go....

Quit whining. Buy a trailer.

No whining here (see aforementioned information re:sarcasm) I don't own a trailer queen like you, I drive my multipurpose Jeep to and from the trail, as well as around town. I have chosen a very fine line (that gets crossed from time to time) that includes driving my Jeep to the grocery store and then doing upper helldorado. If you aren't on the edge you are taking up too much space....

just go into court and tell the judge you put smaller tires on it and have a sheriff or deputy go look at your jeep, make sure your tail lights are dot approved. 9 times out of ten they will pass it off..

I plan to do just that.

are you serious? how did you expect him to react?

Actually, I expected him to put his pride aside, and take a closer look, come back and say "I was wrong, they are legal, I made a mistake. I am not perfect.You are right, those taillights are legal. What makes them illegal is the lack of reflective material. Let me show you what you need to have to make them legal.":rolleyes:

Oh, and by the way, benjy, (is that like the little puppy?)38s on bead locks aren't extreme any more, have you been to Moab lately? At least 35s are the norm...when was the last time you went to Moab with your cute little tires?

My advice for the judge would be to treat him exactly opposite of how you treated UHP

You were there, and so you know??

Do your taillights have a DOT/SAE stamp and certification number on them?

My taillights have the DOT stamp and are legal. They are no different than the thousands of lights that are on everything from 18 wheelers to UPS trucks.

I would argue the bead lock ticket to the judge, its been a long standing debate and truthfully yours is the first case I've heard of first person that has received a ticket. What brand of bead locks? DIY?

Stockton steel bead locks 15x12. 32 bolt.

No proof of insurance. No brainer, the law states you must carry a current insurance card, blame yourself for not putting it in the glove box

My bad, I carry one now.

Thats the chance you take....Your not going to find sympathy here....You knew what was illegal before he pulled you over....Suck it up and deal with it.

Really, no sympathy from all these people throwing rocks from this big glass house called "RME":rolleyes: SHOCKER!

A lot of people here worked VERY hard to get that law change to what it is now! Respect it, it is very liberal by most standards!

I do appreciate the law, I just choose not to obey it all the time. I'm sure you have never broken a law you appreciated....

Thank you for what you did right....Are you serious?? That is NOT his job. You want a gold star for you forehead....Maybe he should give you a sticker so all the other kids know you did good, and you can show mommy when you get home.

Actually, yes. He should thank me. I pay his salary. Not only that, if he were to read his training manual, it clearly states "give three positives for each negative"

I doubt you are over on frame height with 1.5 lift spring over... but I dunno with 38" swampers

My actual frame height as measured by johnny law was 24 1/2 with my 38s. When I swap my 35s on I will be fine.

I am 64 in wide.

Probably won't get much sympathy here. I noticed. There are a lot of Johnny law boys on the board. Now you tell me:eek2:

Assuming you didn't have a tarp over your trailer, I guess your lucky he didn't write you for "uncovered load". My load was covered. See, I'm not that bad after all

Because it's easier to go on a power trip and write petty fix it tickets to somebody in a purpose built vehicle than it is to pull over drug runners in lowered dodge neons with tinted windows and little tiny tires that stick out from the body over 3 inches.


How many of the people driving past me were talking on their cell phone, or drunk, or on their way to commit a crime? I can guarantee you, at least a few people were committing crimes a little worse than my "lack of reflective material" in the daylight!!!

I was super respectful and admitted from the beginning that I was wrong and planned on addressing the problem.

All you do is add to their ego, dont do it.

He's not going to get much sympathy from many people on here regardless of their occupation. :-\

Again, calling the kettle black.:rolleyes::D

well, maybe he should get a little. I mean clearly he's a victim here. Just think of all the things he wasn't doing wrong!

Yeah, it's not like he killed someone. Sheesh.

Really, would it hurt for him to say "Thanks for wearing you seat belt" Or "I see you have a clean driving record, keep it up" is that too much to ask? :rolleyes:Apparently!:mad:

Fight it if you want to . . . but please, if you are going to fight it take one piece of advice:

So I should just 'lie like a rug' and let him walk over me? I guess if you are content with being spineless, more power to you. Attitude means you actually care passionately about something, read the declaration of Independence if you need a refresher course on "attitude". Our country is founded on it.

just a simple "really? What do I need to do to make sure they're legal?" Would have saved an epic load of guff.

Except I knew they were not illegal, so why play the game?

Quit whining... You're lucky he didn't impound your rig. Like others said, no sympathy here either... You should have reflectors on all four sides of your rig; red in the back and orange in the front. That is probably the main reason for him saying you weren't legal in the first place.

Its called S-a-r-c-a-s-m.

If you thought you were in the least bit bending the rules, it would stand to reason that you would want to be polite as possible.

Another spineless quote...

You're an idiot. Please don't breed.

Right backatcha winner!

It is NOT the officers fault you boke boke? do you have a cold? the law....


Just don't understand all the pent up aggression and overzealousness to hammer on the guy. He was obviously just blowing off some steam, as I suspect even he knew he was wrong.
Hence my aforementioned spend more time with the wife comment still stands.

Point taken. Thank you. And it took me a few days to respond because I have more of a life than sitting in front of a monitor all day.....

I'm sure if he slipped and fell on his ass on some ice in front of Walmart he'd be looking for a big payday...........
....and a cop to thank him for not shoplifting

Damn right!
I will have no problem just dealing with the damn tickets for any of the mods I CHOOSE to have that may be against the law. Granted I don't feel any of the mods I have made endanger the public if they did I wouldn't have. The thing about a fix it ticket is once you get them cleared you can put your mods back on to get pulled over another day, it's a beautiful thing.

Again, Point taken. None of the mods I did endanger the public. I have made my Jeep bigger, faster, stronger and safer.....

Other Jeep's I bet he would be jealous of...:rofl:

Actually I am....

Did I miss anyone?


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Well-Known Member
what kind of tale lights are you running? if they are the l.e.d's that set flush with the tub on the jeep (like semi trailers as stated) they are not legal unless you have a reflector on the side of the jeep. As stated above


Formerly WJ ZUK
Man, I would have let it drop after all this BS. But since your such a patriot and doing our country a favor by breaking the law and paying salaries I will let it slide:rolleyes: Give me a break. Oh and thank you for posting on this thread
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