Jeep Jeep JL Wrangler reveal

There is no way you can carry enough solar panels on a vehicle to ever make them 100% efficient. Even if Samsung's new battery technology works, its going to take a long time to scale it up to vehicles. Charging a phone battery in 12 minutes fully is one thing, but making it work on a car is another.

I love that people who are invested in these electric vehicles don't even think about all the upgrades to the grid are going to be needed, and where is all the power going to come from to power all these cars. Coal plants, natural gas plants are the only viable sources to even get enough power going. All they are going to be doing, is changing one type of pollution for another. Just because you can't see the power plant from your home, doesn't mean there isn't going to be more pollution. Fairy Dust, its magic.

Anyway, sorry, electric cars drive me nuts. Batteries are just as bad for the environment as fossil fuels. I'm sure making solar panels isn't very environmentally friendly either.

The jeep is a step up. Wonder how much a fully loaded Rubicon is going to go for?

Looks like they took a step backward on the axles specs as well from what I have read and seen on the interwebs. Why can't they put decent axles under jeeps? The rest looks pretty cool, and I am not a jeep fan at all.