Knee Surgery, Anyone?


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
My wife had one knee done and said never again. The other knee is fine with artificial cartilage shots about once every year or so.


Active Member
A few years back I tore some cartilage while out running, and it left my knee in a state where most of the time it didn't bother me at all. But then at least every other day or so, I'd try bending my knee, and just about hit the floor it hurt so bad. Ended up having some scope work done by Dr. Cooley at TOSH, and it felt amazing afterwards. Back to running, playing hockey, etc. within a few weeks, and it hasn't bothered me since. Totally worth it for me.


But stuck more often.
I think hockey is what screwed mine up. That or the stretching they make us do at work:
Me: "My body doesn't like that stretch."
Boss: "Do it anyways."


But stuck more often.
Went to the U on thursday. X-ray showed my knee is in great shape. They gave me a few stretches to do and sent me on my way. I guess that's good, but I kind of think they thought I was faking. The pain is so random. It didn't hurt at all while they poked and twisted my knee. I'd feel better if they could have found something for sure wrong with me and then told me exactly what needed to be done. I guess time will tell now.


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tell me about it. My knee started swelling up last september. The swelling made it feel "loose" in the joint, but other than the soreness from swelling, no really pain. Didn't feel structural. I never did anything specifically that I can think of to aggravate it. After a couple months I went to a sports medicine dr and he took x-rays and said the joint looked fine, all the important stuff was in good shape, and really had no idea what else could be going on. It was obvious I had had a baker's cyst and that explained a lot of the swelling behind the knee, but that it should eventually just get better (other than something had to have caused the baker's cyst....but who knows). It would well for a week, then get better for a week, then swell for a week and on an on like that. I dumped some money into my HSA in December so that in January I could get an MRI. Got the MRI and the dr couldn't find anything structurally wrong, and that the bakers cyst should drain and get better. When asked if that should have happened over the last 4 months the dr said "ya, that's weird". Thanks Dr for the advanced diagnosis. It's also weird that your cracker-jack box medical degree allows you to make such a specific diagnosis. I've sense gone to a dr at Tosh, and he also can't see anything in the MRI or X-ray, but at least he had a working theory about what is happening and ended up giving me a steroid shot. The off and on swelling has stopped and it's just kind of resting at just "slightly" swollen, which has enabled me to get back to running a bit without pain. I guess I just wanted to share my experience and vent. That's all I have. ;)


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I think its really hard to know something isn't working right and not being able to diagnose or fix it. I'd guess the fact that we are on this forum goes to show that we are "fixers" even if we don't have the understanding to do it we still see things that are broken and want to correct them.

I know what its like to be in limbo and it totally sucks. When I broke my knee in 6th grade the doctor took a wait and see stance on it and it never got any better. It took away a lot of enjoyment from my childhood and even though I tried to go play my knee always blew up and I frequently couldn't sleep because of its throbbing. I hope that both of you guys get some relief and are able to figure out how to manage the swelling and discomfort. Its taken me a long time to figure it out but now I'm able to more or less know whats going to bother it and plan around that.


By endurance we conquer
If you end up doing knee surgery and are interested in seeing all the instruments they use let me know and ill send you photos. Knee surgeries and hips are sooooo cool. Tons of instruments used. Our main knee/hip surgeon at the AF Hospital is Dr. Stock. Great guy and very good.

Dr. Stock is who did mine. He did a great job! I would highly recommend him.