KX125/KDX200 Hybrid Build

I'm not much help but there is a motorcycle graveyard in west Orem. Not sure of the name but its about 1400 west and 500 south. Always looks like there are tons of dirt bikes.
Give Andrew some gas money to pick it up for you. Then have him get it to Russ, then have Russ bring it down on his way to St. George. Haha. I'd love for Andrew to test drive my bikes before I got one. You could never go wrong that way.
That's a long drive for Andrew, he's still 5 hours away. I couldn't ask a friend to do that. He's only 40 min closer than me.
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Russ, you're a good man. I'm hoping to end up with the bike from Boise this weekend, but we'll see. I still don't have a phone number of that guy.
I have cash and I'm ready to buy, but I can't get in touch with the sellers.

Russ found someone to deliver the Boise bike for me. And there's another cool one in Grand Junction. We'll see what happens.
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I just sold my scooter today, so I have all the funds needed to finish this build. Now I just need to find someone who actually wants to sell their bike. So far I can only find people who want to post their bike for sale and not call me back. :mad2:
ksl, craigslist, everywhere. I have a guy in Boise on CL who won't return my call, despite the fact that I have cash for him, have emailed him about 8 times, and I have transport for it back to SLC. If he doesn't want to sell it, why does he post it for sale on craigslist? I've gotten 2 short emails from him, but he won't call me. frustrating.
So out of my own curiosity (really, lack of knowledge on the Kawasaki line in general) what will you gain using a KX chassis and the KDX motor vs. using a straight KDX? Is the frame better on the KX? If not then it would probably be less work to use the KDX frame and swap on the things from the KX that are better (suspension I would guess, etc)...or maybe I'm way off :D