Lasik part 2 Custom or traditional??


RME Resident Ninja
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West Jordan
AFAIK, TLC is out of business now, and has transferred all of their "warranty" stuff to other local clinics. But I'm still happy with the work they did before they went teets up.:)


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I am also still happy with the work that I had done. Best decision I ever made.


Fight Till You Die
Bumping this one back up...

I'm planning on getting Lasik pretty soon here, need to spend some time doing more research. I may have it done in SLC, since we have family we can stay with. I'd imagine most of the info in this thread is still mostly accurate, if anyone has some recent info to add, I'm all ears! I'm researching Lasik offers in Grand Junction, too... would be nice to stay local.

I know Rusted had permanent contacts installed, I haven't had a consultation yet, but I think traditional Lasik will work for me.

Going to look into this year as well. Sick of glasses and can't wear contacts any more.


Well-Known Member
Greg, my uncle is an eye doctor in Grand Junction. He does't do the surgeries but if you wanted an honest opinion (about the local places), I'm sure he'd be glad to talk with you. When my wife had hers done, we talked to him a little and what he told us was (BACKGROUND: he had his lasik done several years ago, probably 10+, in SLC) that if he were to do it again he wouldn't do it at a local place but would go to Denver or SLC still to have it done. FWIW


Well-Known Member
Also, my wife is still very pleased with hers. She now has better vision than I do :rofl: We never felt, with Hoopes, that we were just another $$$. I think if she were to do it again we would still spend the little extra on Hoopes.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Greg, my uncle is an eye doctor in Grand Junction. He does't do the surgeries but if you wanted an honest opinion (about the local places), I'm sure he'd be glad to talk with you. When my wife had hers done, we talked to him a little and what he told us was (BACKGROUND: he had his lasik done several years ago, probably 10+, in SLC) that if he were to do it again he wouldn't do it at a local place but would go to Denver or SLC still to have it done. FWIW

Interesting, I wonder what the difference is? I would love to talk to you uncle Caleb, mind sending me his contact info?
Still 20/15 or better, still super happy. Best money I ever spent!!!!
And I know the U won't go out of business ;)

Ditto that.

Actually, my corneas were too thin for lasik, so I had the Visian ICL lenses inserted instead. They go behind your iris. Then I had a small amount of PRK to correct some astigmatism in my right eye. My left eye is for up close, right eye is for far away, like Jupiter.



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I went to hoopes in aug, 07
I have slipped back to 20/30. I have been happy none the less.
I can read without glasses but some times it is better with a 1.25 power. Yes I have the warranty but may not use it.


I run a tight ship... wreck
I went to hoopes in aug, 07
I have slipped back to 20/30. I have been happy none the less.
I can read without glasses but some times it is better with a 1.25 power. Yes I have the warranty but may not use it.

Interesting, if you don't mind me asking... if you haven the warranty, why wouldn't you go back to have your vision fixed? Are you happy enough with the 20/30?


I run a tight ship... wreck
So I had LASIK 2 weeks ago, got it done locally in Grand Junction, CO at ICON Lasik. I have to say, this was one of the best things I've ever done for myself! I'm wishing I would have done it sooner in my life, but I had to wait for the cost to be affordable. I was just under $1400 and at this point I've decided to pass on the lifetime guarantee, which is pretty expensive IMO.

The actual procedure was pretty intense, clamping my eyelids open and going to town with a laser on my eyeballs... pretty sketchy to say the least!

This last weekend I was able to ride my dirtbike using normal googles... anyone that has worn glasses with googles knows what I'm talking about. It was so nice not having glasses getting in the way! Anyone that lives an active lifestyle and spends a lot of time outdoors with glasses (or contacts) is missing out, I'm loving life w/o glasses. :greg:


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Supporting Member
That's the biggest thing for me. Being out in the desert, or anywhere really, when the wind kicks up was a miserable experience. Since lasik, not a single time have I been left with razor-blades in my eyes due to some foreign debris.

I need to go get an eye exam, I don't feel like my vision has changed much, but it possible has. I still see perfectly fine for everyday life and if I were to take advantage of my lifetime guarantee I would have to go out of state I think.