Lasik part 2 Custom or traditional??


Giver of bad advice
Congrats! I never reached to put glasses on in the morning until three years later. Someone asked if I did that and I said no. Now about once a week, I reach for them. Next time I see that guy, I'm kicking him in the stomach.


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My eyes are starting to get back to normal. I can go 8 hours ish without eye drops and my eyes don't feel dry or burn.


Grey is cool!
West Jordan
I am raising this back from the dead. I went through a few appointments and lost my nerve. Now I have an appointment with Hoopes on the 18th. I will visit TLC on Friday the 20th. I won't visit any more, I did that all the first time. I am down to these two places. Cody, Milner and any other that has had it done, how are you doing/feeling now about your procedures? Would you do it again? Any side effects?


formerly "rckcrlr"
I am 1000% happy. I only use drops when I first wake up in the morning, But I have always had to do that. My eyes have always been dry. At my 6 month appt I was seeing 20/15 in each eye!!!! Clarity is so much better than it ever was with glasses or contacts. Contrast in the distances also seems better. No problems at night either.
Driving long distances is much better now my eyes don't get as tired.
I HIGHLY recommend having it done.
I also HIGHLY recommend Dr Moshifar at Moran. All the skill, none of the hype!
Hoopes is good, no doubt, but you are paying a lot for his marketing....
Where'd Hoopes Jr go to school....The U.....who taught him???? Moshifar!:D

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
I am raising this back from the dead. I went through a few appointments and lost my nerve. Now I have an appointment with Hoopes on the 18th. I will visit TLC on Friday the 20th. I won't visit any more, I did that all the first time. I am down to these two places. Cody, Milner and any other that has had it done, how are you doing/feeling now about your procedures? Would you do it again? Any side effects?

Feeling fantastic--don't even notice I don't wear glasses anymore. :)
I would do it again in a heartbeat.
No side effects. :cool:


Well-Known Member
My Wife used Hoops as did half of her friends on the block, its been over a year now, $4000.00, she loves it, if she is happy I am happy. it was worth it, no problems.


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I went to TLC and couldn't be happier. I use eyedrops in the morning and that's about it, but it's not a necessity at this point.

I couldn't recomend TLC anymore. Dr. Barnes was just plain awesome and I like that when I go in I talk to the people I'm familiar with, and I don't feel like I'm being herded around like cattle In the 40 minutes I spent at Hoopes for a consultation, I waited in 3 lines and talked to 4-5 differnet people. I'm sure they do good work, but I wanted a more personal touch and didn't want to pay the extra $$ to fund their marketing campaigns.

Cool thread. I went to 30-day day & night in '05 after wearing gas perms since '79. I was so freakin' happy! Recently, I had two different eye infections, different eyes, different times, unrelated, which had me doing the one eye boogie and/or glasses that are the wrong prescription (from '05)...that sucked, and I don't want to do it I'm ready.

I got screened about 8-9 years ago and they said I'd have to wear glasses for several weeks because of the "hard" gas perms I was wearing at the time.

When I got new contacts and glasses in '05 I got rid of my old gas perms and my eyes changed a LOT in a couple weeks, enough that my prescription changed too. During one of those changes I tried the extended wear and never looked back. I'm wondering if I'll have to wear glasses for several weeks...or just a few days since I've been wearing soft contacts.

My wife is hooking me up with one of the doctors she works for...but what questions should I ask? (gonna re-read through this thread)



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for gas perms I believe it was something like a month in glasses for every 10 years in the contacts, and half that for soft. I think I spent 9 weeks in glasses prior, but after the 2nd week it really didn't bother me that much. It was worth it.


Well-Known Member
My wife finally got hers done. She went to Hoopes and although it was a bit more expensive, I wouldn't hesitate to have them do it again. She had the Wavefront surgery. Pre-op she was 20/800 (the big "E" is 20/400) :eek: the day after at her follow up she was 20/25 :cool: It's been 6 days since the surgery and she seems to be doing great. This was some of the best money we've spent recently. If anyone is thinking about doing it, go have a consultation with Hoopes, they will treat you right. :)


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I still stand by TLC. I'm sure hoopes is great, just didn't like to be herded through it.


Grey is cool!
West Jordan
You know, Cody is right. We all (I am sure we all did) spent time looking for a doctor/place that made us feel comfortable about having a burning hot laser beam shot into our eyes and risking permanent damage or even blindness. But, I also feel that just about anyone you ask who has had it done, is happy they did.

But the important question is would they do it again?


I run a tight ship... wreck
Bumping this one back up...

I'm planning on getting Lasik pretty soon here, need to spend some time doing more research. I may have it done in SLC, since we have family we can stay with. I'd imagine most of the info in this thread is still mostly accurate, if anyone has some recent info to add, I'm all ears! I'm researching Lasik offers in Grand Junction, too... would be nice to stay local.

I know Rusted had permanent contacts installed, I haven't had a consultation yet, but I think traditional Lasik will work for me.