Less than 48 hrs For Moab Hearing - 9 MILLION acres slated to close!


somewhat damaged
Congress to Vote on H.R. 1925 America's Red Rock Wilderness Act This Thursday!

Moab Might Be Gone Forever!

Posted Today 01:35 PM by 4WOR Web Editor

Filed under: Miscellaneous, Jason Gonderman

The Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources has scheduled a hearing on October 1 to consider H.R. 1925, America's Red Rock Wilderness Act of 2009.

This legislation -- which will ban off-highway vehicle (OHV) access to public lands to those who live and recreate in
Utah -- was introduced by New York Representative Maurice Hinchey.

However, not a single Representative from Utah is supporting H.R.1925.

Specifically, H.R. 1925 would designate more than nine million more acres as federally protected "Wilderness," and directly affect the Moab, San Rafael Swell and Chimney Rock areas (to name a few) in Utah.

These popular OHV areas represent some of the most important remaining OHV recreation areas in Utah, and are some of the most popular with responsible OHV riders. The proposed Wilderness designation would also make the land off limits to ATV riders, mountain bikers and horseback

Coming on the heels of the recently enacted Omnibus Public Land Management Act, which closed 2 million acres of public lands, this vast Wilderness bill will take away additional recreation opportunities currently enjoyed by local residents and visitors alike.

The AMA needs your help now to stop H.R. 1925. The fastest way to reach your U.S. Representative is to call them. You can find contact information for your elected officials by entering your zip code on AmericanMotorcyclist.com, clicking on "Rights," then "Issues and Legislation." Additionally, a prewritten e-mail is available for you to send to your Representative immediately by following the "Take
Action" option and entering your information.

Please contact your Representative right away and urge them to oppose H.R. 1925.

It's VERY VERY SIMPLE! Just click here...


Change the subject line before you hit send. ;)

... and you will be taken to the AMA's (American Motorcycle
Association) website. Enter your zip code and a letter will be sent to your representative urging them to vote NO on this bill.

Do it NOW! please

Everybody help this Bill Fail!!!



Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Done!! Took 2 minutes and I submitted one for my wife too!

Come on guys & girls, this is the biggest and most potentially damaging bill that would forever change the face of recreating & exploring in Utah. Unlike years in the past, the Red Rock Wilderness Bill does have a chance given the current Government in office. The potential that this could pass should scare the hell out of you, it does me. Not letting your Congressman know how you feel, by using the link above, is just like saying you support the Red Rock Wilderness Bill. Make your voice heard, DO IT NOW and KILL this BILL!!

I expect that all who read this will use the link and send their Congressman an email. Time is running out... will you miss Moab?


Orem, UT

And I added, "You may count on my continued support and votes, should you represent my thoughts accurately with regard to this bill."
Done. Customized a bit.

Rats...just noticed that it didn't actually go...hadn't clicked the "prefix" or entered the phone number, "required for the delivery method you selected".

Ok, now it's done.
Last edited:


Oops i did it again
Springville, Ut
done, done done done done done done done and done. Hey my kids and parents have a say also, this would be major loss to all of us. This is our family togetherness we cant stand each other when we are home so save my family and dont let this pass! Just do it! It only takes 2 min!!!!!!!


Registered User
Wellsville Utah
Got her done. Just a reminder to you Obamaites that were naysaying last year at this time. This is just the first of more bills to come from eastern democrat politicians.