Less than 48 hrs For Moab Hearing - 9 MILLION acres slated to close!


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Supporting Member
done. I also customized most of it.

I encourage everyone to change the title--it kind of sounds like we are in support of the bill. Plus, the more different titles that show up in his in-box, the less generic it looks.


Well-Known Member
Face book for Maurice Hinchey

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I'm the U.S. Rep. for New York's 22nd Congressional District, which spans eight counties from the Hudson Valley to the Finger Lakes region. Now serving in my 9th term, I'm on the Appropriations, Natural Resources, & Joint Economic Committees.


Country: United States Current Office

Office: House State: New York District: 22 Party: Democratic Party

This is the Man who has introduced the BILL-------------

I got on his facebook ( This is the only way to contact him other than mail) and clicked on become a fan and it lets you leave a message, when I left this message, it was emmediatly removed!!!!!!!!!!!

"keep your land grabing paws out of the state of Utah. I think you would have enough problems with New York to keep you busy for a lifetime.
Thank you for your concern but we the people of Utah can take care of oursevles."

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too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
we should get one of OUR representatives to start a bill that closes Central Park and makes it a wilderness area... and then go on to other spots in NY and NJ and start filling the house and senate with garbage to keep them busy over there...


Registered User
Wellsville Utah

Suggest to FriendsSubscribe via SMS
I'm the U.S. Rep. for New York's 22nd Congressional District, which spans eight counties from the Hudson Valley to the Finger Lakes region. Now serving in my 9th term, I'm on the Appropriations, Natural Resources, & Joint Economic Committees.


Country: United States Current Office

Office: House State: New York District: 22 Party: Democratic Party

This is the Man who has introduced the BILL-------------

I got on his facebook ( This is the only way to contact him other than mail) and clicked on become a fan and it lets you leave a message, when I left this message, it was emmediatly removed!!!!!!!!!!!

"keep your land grabing paws out of the state of Utah. I think you would have enough problems with New York to keep you busy for a lifetime.
Thank you for your concern but we the people of Utah can take care of oursevles."


There are a lot of anti bill posts on his site right now. I encourage everyone to click the facebook link and leave your thoughts for this a-hat.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Done.. That heading is weird...

I've sent this out twice on my land use mailing group on facebook (785 people)... I hope people are following the link.



    • These are the area that are in the bill to be proposed to be protected wilderness area in Moab. There are obviously several other areas included in the bill that are not listed below.
    • Does anyone have a map of the proposed areas to be made protected wilderness? I would be interested to see what is in the bill via a map.
    • (1) Arches Adjacent (approximately 12,000 acres).
    • (2) Beaver Creek (approximately 41,000 acres).
    • (3) Behind the Rocks and Hunters Canyon (approximately 22,000 acres).(4) Big Triangle (approximately 20,000 acres).
    • (5) Coyote Wash (approximately 28,000 acres).
    • (6) Dome Plateau-Professor Valley (approximately 35,000 acres).
    • (7) Fisher Towers (approximately 18,000 acres).
    • (8) Goldbar Canyon (approximately 9,000 acres).
    • (9) Granite Creek (approximately 5,000 acres).
    • (10) Mary Jane Canyon (approximately 25,000 acres).
    • (11) Mill Creek (approximately 14,000 acres).
    • (12) Porcupine Rim and Morning Glory (approximately 20,000 acres).
    • (13) Renegade Point (approximately 6,600 acres).
    • (14) Westwater Canyon (approximately 37,000 acres).
    • (15) Yellow Bird (approximately 4,200 acres).