Less than 48 hrs For Moab Hearing - 9 MILLION acres slated to close!

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
    • These are the area that are in the bill to be proposed to be protected wilderness area in Moab. There are obviously several other areas included in the bill that are not listed below.
    • Does anyone have a map of the proposed areas to be made protected wilderness? I would be interested to see what is in the bill via a map.
    • (1) Arches Adjacent (approximately 12,000 acres).
    • (2) Beaver Creek (approximately 41,000 acres).
    • (3) Behind the Rocks and Hunters Canyon (approximately 22,000 acres).(4) Big Triangle (approximately 20,000 acres).
    • (5) Coyote Wash (approximately 28,000 acres).
    • (6) Dome Plateau-Professor Valley (approximately 35,000 acres).
    • (7) Fisher Towers (approximately 18,000 acres).
    • (8) Goldbar Canyon (approximately 9,000 acres).
    • (9) Granite Creek (approximately 5,000 acres).
    • (10) Mary Jane Canyon (approximately 25,000 acres).
    • (11) Mill Creek (approximately 14,000 acres).
    • (12) Porcupine Rim and Morning Glory (approximately 20,000 acres).
    • (13) Renegade Point (approximately 6,600 acres).
    • (14) Westwater Canyon (approximately 37,000 acres).
    • (15) Yellow Bird (approximately 4,200 acres).

This is just a tiny area of the 9.4 million acres in the bill. If you look at the map, most of Kane County, Garfield County, Wayne and Emery Counties would be wilderness. The map is also very vague. The language in the bill says that the actual map and bounderies of the wilderness areas will be done after the bill passes.
You can see the map on SUWA's website

Very scary.

If this bill doesn't get past this commitee, please don't think we have won and stop fighting it. It will come back to haunt us.


Active Member

[Quote}September 30, 2009

[recipient address was inserted here]

Dear [recipient name was inserted here],

Dear senators Udall and Bennet,

I noticed that this upcoming Wilderness bill would shut my children out from enjoying the designated backcountry areas of the wilderness of Utah that we enjoy vacationing in. My children have physical disabilities that prevent them from back country access that is not allowed by non motorized travel. Exploring these areas by ATV or 4x4 allows them to see these areas and has become a tradition for our family every year. I would ask your support in opposing this bill so that my children and others can continue to have access to these areas and enjoy the solitude of these natural wonders that have been afforded us by motorized travel. [Quote}

Can someone post up some links to the officials in the counties that will be effected so I can send this to them as well?


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somewhat damaged
I'm an idiot, the link was bad on the first post so it's been fixed. And do change the subject line before you send!


Giver of bad advice
Done yesterday. Mentioned I'm a disabled vet, and Naval retiree... Talked about wheeling and camping. And I have also sent emails to all my reps, plus all the elected reps for each state I ever lived in.