Less than 48 hrs For Moab Hearing - 9 MILLION acres slated to close!


Formerly Beardy McGee
I think they're on break.. they were talking a bit earlier.. gotta be a recess or something


Sgt. CulPepper
I believe our section is over, but I am not sure. I caught the last 15 minutes of it then they went onto something else.


Formerly Beardy McGee
I heard the dude talking about a D-Day memorial, and the second(last) guy before the break was talking about some sort of special designation for 25 miles of a river.. bla bla.. Maybe I missed our issue?


Formerly Beardy McGee
Chaffetz just laid it down, and called out the NY rep when he said that the federal land is land that states "abandoned".. Chaffetz called him out on that, and also asked that instead of lock up all this Utah land in addition to an already 50%+ of utah land run by Fed Gov, that the NY Sen support moves that Utah reps suggest that will benefit it's education system.

The NY rep seemed pissed off for getting called out and cornered..
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Formerly Beardy McGee
They just went into a 30 min break..

You could plainly see how nervous the BLM Director got under Chaffetz' knife.. He was squirming..

Chaffetz asked how the BLM moves forward in energy developement.
BLM D says they have leases
Chaffetz laughed and said how many this year
BLM D had no numbers, but said alot
Chaffetz said he wouldn't say it was alot, and then Cheffetz called him out and said you canceled alot this year too, how many?
BLM D said we did but i don't have numbers..
Chaffetz bore into him about the BLM's lack in doing anything involving energy..

It seemed to me that the BLM Director was getting nervous, and his answeres were alot of 'uh's'..


Formerly Beardy McGee
I love how Chaffetz dug into the BLM director about maps of the proposed Wilderness areas.. Oh, what's that? You have no maps?!? I think the Director sh!t himself at that point.. Chaffetz asked, 'how can the BLM support 9.4mil acres of land to be wilderness if it's not even spelled out on a map at this time?.. OMG, great stuff.

Also bringing up that at first it was a 3mil acre proposal, then 5mil, then bla then bla, now ballooned to 9.4mil acres.. He asked point blank "when will enough be enough?".


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
someone posted this on the tribune, and I thought it was spot on

After Clinton traveled to Arizona to announce a massive 2 million acre National Monument in Utah, Utah's voters showed Owens the door. When he left, SUWA's bill stood at 5.7 million acres, an increase from a previous proposal of 4.1 million acres.

According to a Congressional Research Service report, 5.7 million BLM acres is nearly 3 times the BLM wilderness recommendations and 75% more than the BLM's Wilderness study acreage. The 5.7 million acres amounted to 26% of all BLM lands in Utah, and 11% of the entire state.

In 1995, not even the radicals at SUWA "visioned" that 14 years later their 5.7 million acre bill would balloon to 9.4 million acres. That's over 45% of all BLM lands in Utah off limits to all mountain bike and motorized recreation.

NONE of Utah's congressmen or senators support this bill. BLM itself has recommended to congress 1.9 million acres be designated. But the environmentalists don't care. They are asking for more than 400% more acres! I'm sure the mountain areas will be the next target of these greedy groups.

and one of the more vocal anti-access posted this, which I thought was relivant for the opposite reason that he probably does.
Upon scrutiny, Sofnwht's rhetoric isn't exactly reasonable. To leave out critical information about how SUWA and other groups came to the 9 million mark is a move to deny the legitimacy of such a proposal. That hundreds of citizens walked and charted many of the parcels under consideration isn't a small matter.

How a "citizens" inventory is supposed to take precedence over one done by the BLM is beyond me. It would also be helpful information if they talked about how SUWA has directly contested and changed the BLM's book definition of 'road' and "roadless" so as to allow these areas that were professionally surveyed and determined not to be "wilderness" decades ago to be inventoried by SUWA (who has no private agenda, right?) and now are "wilderness". I wonder how they would respond to the idea that areas that have roads by previous definitions, and have been under continuous use for decades, somehow have been damaged so much that they now are considered wilderness. Isn't that counter intuitive to their "OHV's destroy the world" rhetoric?
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