Lighten the mood

My kids get paid to mow unless they complain or push back on when and how often I want it done. If they complain they still mow but they do it for free and they figure out not to argue with dad. My oldest had to learn the hard way I was serious. My middle learned from her older brother, and my youngest is pretty obedient so far.
I was talking to one of my neighbors last night. He was complaining about how his son does chores to earn money, but once he has enough money he can’t get him to do anything until he runs out of money then the process repeats. So my neighbor took the garbage out last night.
Seems silly that a guy can’t get his kid to do a simple chore without money being involved.
I was talking to one of my neighbors last night. He was complaining about how his son does chores to earn money, but once he has enough money he can’t get him to do anything until he runs out of money then the process repeats. So my neighbor took the garbage out last night.
Seems silly that a guy can’t get his kid to do a simple chore without money being involved.

My son likes to do the same. He tried starting a petition this week so that they only had to do chores every other day, not every day like they currently do.
I told him he only has to do chores on days he eats my food or steps foot in my house. Another day he can skip chores.

I told my neighbor of my sons petition while my son was with us. My neighbor started a petition that my so now has to also do chores at the neighbors house 🤣
My kids have all mowed the lawn for free. I shouldn’t say free, they get plenty and I don’t pay allowances. If it’s not mowed correctly, it’s mowed again until it is. Each of my boys have had to mow it twice in the same day before. They do it right t the first time now. I have a deal with my kids, if they wanted something, I would pay 1/2, it gives them some skin in the game and they took care of it.
I used to spend summers at an Aunt and Uncles house and I did chores with all of my cousins while there. Unlike my own home they paid an allowance.
I never got a penny and I still remind them I'm sending them to collections soon unless they pay down the balance with a higher fee because I was an "outside contractor."
I bought my first dirt bike with money earned by mowing lawns professionally. I then mowed my dad's lawn to support my gas and Yamalube habit. I mowed if before the dirt bike for free but he started paying me when I needed gas money. Dude would buy any gun I wanted to shoot competitively but if I wanted a dirt bike it was all on me. I've since paid him back for that by making him buy several dirt bikes :rofl:

What I hated with a passion as a kid was changing sheets, dusting and vacuuming my room every Saturday morning before I could do ANYTHING, including eat. I was way more afraid of my mother than my father. My dad would just pop you, my mother would plan how to torture you for weeks if you crossed her line, which was never on any map or in the same place at any time.
My son likes to do the same. He tried starting a petition this week so that they only had to do chores every other day, not every day like they currently do.
I told him he only has to do chores on days he eats my food or steps foot in my house. Another day he can skip chores.

I told my neighbor of my sons petition while my son was with us. My neighbor started a petition that my so now has to also do chores at the neighbors house 🤣
I asked my dad for an allowance one time right after he gave me a big job to do. He quickly reminded me that I will be eating for free that night. I asked for money instead of dinner so I could walk to Burger King and get good food. He pulled out 50 cents and told me that’s my portion of the meal would cost.
I never got an allowance but he didn’t seam to have much problem paying for lift tickets and stuff.