Reminds me of a story. A year or so ago my wife called me and asked me to get out our pressure canner. She has never used it and it was sitting for 10-12 years in our storage room. It was my grandma's, then my moms, and now my wife has it. It's old. I blew off all the dust and noticed the seal on the lid was pretty ugly. I put a little water in and put it on the stove to test it. Sure enough water bubbles started forming all around the lid indicating several leaks. I thought I'd let it get a bit hotter and see what happens. I left the kitchen for a couple minutes then came back to check on it. It had sealed up tight and the pressure gauge on the lid was pegged WAY past "Caution". I didn't know if I should run or what. I very carefully walked the rest of the way up to the stove, reached over and turned it off. There was no way I was touching the cooker. I just let it cool down right where it was at. When my wife got home I simply said, it works. No issues.