Tragic when any life is lost, espicially young.
I hope those close to them, family and friends, do not take a wrong message from this thread, and I hope that those posting have the right intentions.
By this, I mean we can always learn from what happens to others- and we certainly should try to.
However, some of the posts have a tone of "if they hadn't done this, that or the other wrong, they would be fine" often with an inplied tone that the poster would never had made such a mistake themselves. As an example, note one of the first postings that made the assumption they must have been inexperienced and gotten in over their heads.
Perhaps this reponse is human nature to try and shield ourselves from the fact that it could have been us. However, considering the lack of facts we all have, such comments can be hurtful and certainly are not worthy of the off-roading community.
Most outdoor activities carry danger with them. That is part of the appeal. I have heard or know people who have died or suffered serious injury in everyone of the activities I do. Let's treat the deceased with the respect they deserve.
My thoughts go out to their family and friends.